Psychological relaxation psychological means is also one of the important ways to speed up the elimination of fatigue after running.

The time should be 10 ~ 15 minutes, not more than 20 minutes, so as not to aggravate fatigue.

Warm water bath can stimulate vasodilation, promote metabolism and blood circulation, and is conducive to the transportation of nutrients and the elimination of metabolic substances in the body.

After running, you should pay special attention to supplement energy and vitamins, especially sugar, vitamin C and B vitamins.

They can be worn in four seasons.

During human sleep, most of the cerebral cortex is in a state of inhibition, the excitation process is reduced, the catabolism in the body is at the lowest level, while anabolism is relatively active, which is conducive to the accumulation of energy in the body and the comprehensive recovery of various organ systems.


Warm water bath after running is a simple and easy way to eliminate fatigue.

In summer or when you sweat a lot, you should supplement minerals and water in time.


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Generally speaking, adults should have 8 hours of sleep every day, and teenagers should sleep longer.

It can ensure the continuous exercise and improve exercise ability.

Therefore, finishing exercise should be done after exercise.

Massage can not only promote the conversion of excitement and inhibition of cerebral cortex, restore the normal energy supply of nerve regulation, but also promote blood circulation, strengthen local blood supply and eliminate fatigue.

It is mainly used to eliminate muscle stiffness and local fatigue.

mainly through inductive language and self suggestion, the muscles can be relaxed, and the functions of nerve, respiratory and circulatory system can be improved and recovered quickly, so as to eliminate the fatigue of the body as soon as possible.

Reasonable diet and nutrition are important means to eliminate or prevent fatigue.

After running, the body will feel tired, which mainly shows that the muscle strength decreases, the contraction speed slows down, the muscles become stiff, swollen and painful, the movements are uncoordinated, the brain is slow to respond, and the attention is not focused.

In addition to manual massage, there are special vibration massage, air pressure massage, water massage and so on.

Massage is a common means to eliminate fatigue.


In addition, after long-distance running activities, you should appropriately eat more alkaline foods, such as kelp, laver, all kinds of fresh vegetables, fruits, bean products, milk and animal liver rich in fat soluble vitamins and iron.


Organize exercise and stop suddenly after strenuous exercise, which will affect the venous blood reflux, reduce blood pressure, and concentrate a large amount of blood in the legs, causing adverse reactions in the brain.

Massage in the general sense refers to manual massage, which is divided into whole-body massage and local massage.

Finishing exercise is called an active way of rest, including jogging, various joint exercises and stretching exercises of various muscle groups.

The time is 10 ~ 15 minutes.

Good and sufficient sleep is the most direct, effective and economical way to eliminate fatigue and restore physical strength.

You should choose to eat nutritious and digestible food, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and eat less fried and processed food.

The whole-body massage should be carried out 2.5 ~ 3 hours after training; Local massage can be carried out during or after training, and can be carried out among peers.

After digestion and absorption by human body, these foods can quickly reduce blood acidity, neutralize and balance to weak alkalinity, which is conducive to the elimination of fatigue.

When sleeping, we should pay attention to creating a quiet and airy environment, which is conducive to improving the quality of sleep.

Especially after running with a large amount of exercise, the sleep time should be extended appropriately.

The temperature of warm water bath should be 40 ℃± 3 ℃, and the temperature should not be too high.

In addition, it should be noted that it is not appropriate to take a warm water bath immediately after exercise, but should rest for more than 40 minutes and take a water bath after the body calms down.

If the fatigue is not eliminated in time, it will lead to the accumulation of fatigue, sports injury, mental burnout, loss of passion for exercise, and serious over training.

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It can be regarded as part of finishing activities.


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Generally, the main methods to eliminate fatigue after running are as follows: 1.

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Jogging after strenuous exercise can keep the cardiovascular system and respiratory system at a high level, which is conducive to the elimination of lactic acid, a metabolite in muscle.

The commonly used psychological means include relaxation training, breathing adjustment, hypnotic suggestion, psychological adjustment, qigong, etc.

It is important to eliminate fatigue in time after running.

Doing joint exercises and stretching exercises after running can relax tense muscles, improve muscle blood circulation, reduce muscle pain and stiffness, eliminate local fatigue, and also play a good role in preventing sports injury.

By KingWay