It’s like changing a person.

What else can’t you do? Indeed, every runner who succeeds in losing weight by running has a very inspirational story.

Such a life will soon become fat again…

(2) How to start? Heavy weight runners are generally not allowed to run, otherwise they will wear their knees seriously.

Over time, under the influence of the running environment, with the increasingly thin appearance showing edges and corners, and the stimulation of the body slowly getting better, you can enter a virtuous circle, want to run more and more, and even fall in love with running.

Generally, fast walking is adopted in the early stage to cultivate their awareness of exercise.

Through running to lose weight, they successfully threw away the big belly, got rid of the three high symptoms, and began to return to the standard figure to realize the counter attack of life.

Slowly, you can run continuously for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, half an hour, or even longer.

There are many ruthless people in the running circle.

With the lightening of body weight and the continuous strengthening of cardiopulmonary function and muscle strength, you can try the combination of running and walking, running and walking for a while, and stick to it slowly according to your own situation.

Therefore, they must go back to running honestly this period, and they need to increase the amount of running to consume excess fat..

They are naturally very grateful to their running friends for their success in losing weight.

Some of the original fat people have become the “great God” of running circles.

Like the running friends around us, there are many people who lose tens of kilograms through running, and they become handsome and beautiful one by one.

There are no taboos on fried barbecue beer and sweets.

People who lose weight successfully will not only gain a good-looking figure, but also gain unprecedented self-confidence, and then life will be very different.

What happened to the people who lost weight by running? Has anyone rebounded? Can anyone always maintain their ideal figure? (1) Why? Many people can’t stand their fat body, and even have physical problems, so they have to start losing weight.

Recently, another friend began to lose weight after treading the waves.

Although we said earlier that people who successfully lose weight through running can better adhere to running, it does not mean that such groups can always adhere to running.

(5) Habit formation is particularly important, and in the face of weight gain, runners who successfully lose weight by paying great hardships seem to be able to realize what kind of situation they are facing soon.

At this time, it is particularly important to have a few friends with you.

It’s too easy to eat fat.

It is not particularly easy for humans with lazy and greedy nature.

Moreover, they also gained good exercise habits, regular work and rest habits and a heart of self-discipline.

Have runners who successfully lose weight through running rebounded? Of course! Those who rebound and return to obesity have a common characteristic – they stay away from running.

For example, people often run with them and follow runners, so they can better supervise their exercise and be called to run when they are lazy.

They may walk for about an hour a day.

There are many successful cases of heavy weight runners around us.

With the growth of people’s age, the basic metabolism of the body has become lower and lower.

After holding on for a month, he lost 25 kg.

(3) There are countless cases of running circles to lose weight.

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Once they gain weight, they can’t sit still.

There are many ways to lose weight, but the healthiest way to lose weight is also the best way, that is, through the combination of exercise and reasonable diet.

They can’t go back to before liberation.

When these runners got rid of their once greasy and fat appearance, people around them began to make earth shaking changes in their evaluation, and some compliments began to be expressed: you can stick to such a difficult thing as losing weight.

They may have the idea of comfort, and their living habits begin to become presumptuous again, forgetting their past.

With these, what can’t they do? (4) It is well known to those who return to obesity that the biggest pain point for people who lose weight is the rebound.

Once you fall in love with running, losing weight becomes less painful and even a natural thing.

His original weight was 98kg.

No, our beauty Xiaobian, because of the epidemic, she weighed more than 90 kilograms in the past.

Most of them need a running environment.

In the whole process from fast walking, to running walking combination, and then to running 10km in one breath, can you persist in the whole process of successfully losing weight? Especially in the weight plateau period, whether you will give up psychology directly determines whether you can lose weight successfully.

Like countless people who lose weight, they have tried all kinds of ways to lose weight without success.

Especially under the current epidemic, many people stay at home, exercise is greatly reduced, and cooking is on the rise.

They can generally persist in this sport for a long time, and even have run several marathons.

Their life has become more and more stable.

Some runners, after successfully slimming down for a few years, have achieved their life goals, such as finding the right object, and so on.

Finally, with the improvement of your physical function, the running distance will naturally increase.

They must run well.

As a last resort, you can only choose exercise, which is the way that people who lose weight are least optimistic about.

However, they also tell people with their own story: exercise and a reasonable diet are the only healthiest way to lose weight.

If you don’t control your diet and exercise, your weight is like blowing a balloon, it’s easy to go up.

At the same time, with a reasonable diet, they can lose some weight in a period of time.

By KingWay