All runners, you must read it! ☞ in the running circle, what is the level of running 1km in 7 minutes? I’m looking at it.

If it is invaded or deleted! Recommended reading: ☞ running is so lonely, why do you still insist? ☞ a letter to runners.

The epidemic covers my legs, What cannot be sealed is every runner’s longing for running and a soul of pursuit! So maybe some people think I’m crazy and think running is really that important? I think only those who have really run can understand this answer, because the positive power and the harvest in the running journey are unspeakable.

All the steps are loved.

Here are only the stories related to runners.

Welcome to follow Xiaofang’s running and share more running information for you! The article is purely personal and for reference only.

For example, the marathon, which was once popular all over the country, has been postponed or cancelled this year as in previous years.

Just like usually even if it’s windy and rainy outside, I still put on my running shoes and go out to run.

Running will always exist, which can seal the legs for a while, but can not seal the pursuit of running freedom.

I wish you Pb!..

But in fact, as far as runners are concerned, I think only the legs are sealed, and the soul of running is the soul that cannot be sealed…

The picture comes from the network.

So I always want to say that what I really love will not be affected by any external factors.

I asked several friends in Shanghai these days.

As a senior marathon runner, this is undoubtedly a kind of restraint.

With the severe situation, it has brought great pressure to the society and a city.

Running is a belief for these pursuers, so the environmental conditions under the epidemic are harsh, but it can’t stop a runner’s determination to run.

The result of the marathon is the best proof for me! This spring is still full of mud.

Like them, there are many runners all over the country.

As experts say, the restriction of restraint on freedom is to deprive people of their souls.

running rucksack

Some even run half a horse and run 100 kilometers at home…

Let’s pray that the epidemic will pass early and start preparing for the competition again! Love running, love life.

In fact, it’s not just them.

I just want to tell myself that every step counts.

It seems that everything will be suspended at this moment.

What should we do? Running around the bed, drawing circles in the living room and running back and forth in the corridor have become the current situation of many runners in Shanghai.

Are you still running under such strict control? Haven’t you looked up and seen the stars for a long time? They were silent for a long time and didn’t answer.

The epidemic situation in Jilin and Shanghai has sounded the alarm again.

I will still believe that those runners who are unwilling to give up on the road of running are brilliant, because the day of flowers will be the time of unsealing, and the epidemic will eventually disperse.

If the national sports organization cancels the marathon one day in the future, will you still run? He resolutely told me: running is never to compete.

As I asked one of my fans last night, I said that all the major events in the country have been suspended due to the epidemic.

I think silence is the best answer, because as far as I know, although they yearn for running in Shanghai in spring, they have no idea of giving up running.

I can run a marathon.

By KingWay