When weather conditions do not permit, such as strong wind and rain, indoor sports shall be carried out indoors for no less than 30 minutes.

March is full of spring and everything recovers.

You need to run and punch in for no less than 3km or 30 minutes every day.

Activity rule 1 During the activity period, run and punch in effectively once a day.

The running punch in needs to display the running kilometers, pace and route map.

Sports anti epidemic running punch in life lies in sports, all things recover, flowers bloom in spring, find a paradise to avoid Qin, and peach blossom will see another spring.

In this special period, epidemic prevention and control has become our daily life, and school closure makes us boring.

Punch in method: after joining the group, create your own QQ photo album (name + mobile phone number) and upload the punch in screenshot to your group photo album in the QQ group before 24 o’clock every night.

In order to help students keep fit, release pressure and better put their body and mind into their study, the student union of the school of electrical information engineering organized this running punch in activity.

In this dynamic season, every inch of land and every piece of vegetation on the campus is glowing with the breath of spring.

running beanie

Participation mode.


By KingWay