You may say, why are you so persistent, but think about it: if running is because of my perseverance, how can I persist for so long? Weekly mileage ranges from 10K to 50km.


01 , you must wonder why I started running.

I’m still running healthily.

If I don’t run for a few more days, I will feel uncomfortable all over, mentally uncomfortable and depressed; If I don’t run in the morning, I will be depressed all day; You see, where is perseverance? It’s love.

Either you care about me or you care about running, right? No matter what the reason is, I thank you for reading this article! Yes, I’ve been running for six years.

In order to do a good job in insurance, I started running.

The most recent restart was on March 1, 2017.

She has been integrated into my blood and every cell of me.

For me, running has become a habit, even a mission and a belief.

Most people think there will be a problem with my knee, even in the future.

Scientific running will not hurt but also help.

Running has become my habit, a habit of 6 years.

In short, I started running because of insurance.

I came home at 11 or 12 o’clock every night.

Just as I chose the insurance industry at the beginning, I also planned my professional track for the next few decades with a long-term mentality.

Looking back on the history of sports from small to large, I think it’s destiny.

Are you still curious about how I persisted for six years? Running is running.

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I began to check books and materials to learn more about scientific running.

I choose to get up and run at 5 o’clock every morning, listen to audio learning and replenish energy for myself.

They achieve each other without or without.

Especially in the past two years, many friends will leave messages and feedback to me, because they see that I insist on running, am optimistic and cheerful, and are also influenced by me.

Maybe I will run for a lifetime.

This career and running, They have become extremely important things in my life.

Six years, are you still running? 01 hey, friends in front of the screen, you click to open this article.

03 after running for so long, is your knee OK? Will you keep running? This is the most question I have ever heard.

They start the habit of exercise, start the habit of running, and even get out of depression So the energy of running has also given many friends who need encouragement.

I worked as a sales consultant in the insurance industry from a female programmer in the IT industry.

This is my cherished long-term doctrine.

Stick to it for 21 days and you will form a habit, but it will destroy your habit in less than a week.

Running makes me find myself and love myself more and more.

An engineering student who didn’t know sales and finance desperately wanted to prove that he could survive in the insurance industry.

I have the habit of sharing my circle of friends.

Everything will pass.

Unexpectedly, running for six years has been integrated into my life.

Love alone is not enough.

I have been running and providing insurance services for everyone.

What I am insisting on is not running, but a long-term valuable hobby.

When I’m confused, when I doubt, when I can’t see hope, and even when I don’t know who I am, these temporary “jams” look up at the sky, put on my running shoes and run on the track.

The more I run, the more I want to run.

There is no other utilitarian idea.

This is the best me, the new insurer in running..

I used to worry about it, but I didn’t listen to it.

There is no place to place my body and mind, and I especially need to have time and space to study alone.

I worked hard suddenly and shuttled through the traffic and people every day, and my body began to feel overwhelmed; As a lonely and arrogant child, I was constantly rejected for work reasons (I didn’t know it was a rejection from the beginning), and the careful dirt broke into glass slag.

No matter in spring, summer, autumn and winter, no matter the 0 degree of hail, wind and snow, or the 37 degree of steamer, I have never been absent and insisted year after year.

He had to meet customers desperately.

By KingWay