China search, the first central media to build a digital collection platform, has recently launched several digital collections, which is still second light.

From several collections that have been launched on the platform, fashion and culture are the characteristics.

Taste and safety are particularly important.

It is especially good at technology in the central media.

Despite the public focus on the recent epidemic, the digital collection market is booming one after another.

It is not only a high-tech enterprise, but also a new media.

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China search is a unit directly under Xinhua news agency.

The latest news is that CCTV is making great efforts to build a digital collection platform.

The media convergence chain is awesome for the protection of news works in technology, not only for searching and fixing works of pictures and texts, but also for video works.

Because they are backed by ATB, each has hundreds of millions of users, a little diversion is enough.

The following is a recent ranking, you can have a look.

Obviously, all parties are optimistic about the blue ocean of digital collections.

Therefore, shizang must take the high-quality route, not only to earn money, but also to have quality.

According to the person in charge of the platform, each domestic platform has its own advantages, especially the digital collection platforms of Alibaba, Tencent and Baidu.

It is understood that the platform is negotiating cultural collections recently.

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By KingWay