Second, wearing light colored loose clothes can help the body breathe and cool down naturally.

In terms of material, it is recommended to choose synthetic fiber fabrics (such as polyester fibers) because they will absorb moisture from the skin, resulting in cooling, evaporation and heat absorption effect.

Sixth, before running, tell your family where to run and how long to come back.

In hot weather, what to pay attention to when running? Spring has come to the end, summer is coming soon, and the temperature is gradually rising.

Fourth, when using headphones, turn down the volume and be alert to the surrounding environment.

This spring and summer running guide is good ~ collection ~ if you or your friends need it, please forward it ~ source: Healthy China.

Second, you should warm up fully before running, avoid eating one hour before running, and pay attention to replenishing water during running.

Fourth, be sure to keep your body hydrated.

This morning’s run has been completed! Good habit, great! Running is good for our health, and I hope more people will participate ~ running can prevent diseases.

Running for half an hour can burn 300 to 700 calories, depending on your body shape and speed.

If you are injured during running, stop immediately and seek medical treatment according to the degree of injury.

Third, when running outdoors, it is best to carry mobile phones and other communication equipment with you and choose routes with sufficient light and relatively more people to avoid dangerous and remote areas.

Fifth, if you run in the morning or at night, you’d better wear reflective safety equipment, such as headlights, leg straps, arm straps, safety lights and flashing hats.

Running in a high-temperature environment will face the risk of dehydration, heatstroke and other heat related diseases, so we must keep the following preventive measures in mind.

Third, apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of more than 15 before running, and wear sunshades and sunglasses to protect the body from ultraviolet radiation.

running waist packs

Cotton clothing will soon become moist and thick after absorbing sweat, so heat will accumulate on the body, so try to avoid it.

For women, running helps reduce the risk of breast cancer and stroke.

Running can also relieve stress, improve sleep quality and enhance self-confidence.

Did you run today? You can’t stop exercising every day.

If you find that your memory tends to decline, run quickly! Help increase brain activity and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease! Running is also helpful for keeping fit and losing weight.

Running for at least 10 minutes a day can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Running is an aerobic exercise that increases the heart rate and sweating, and these changes can increase the size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning.

Some suggestions for safe running: first, formulate a running plan suitable for yourself according to your physical condition, choose running route and running mode, and determine the running distance.

When running for a long time, you should consider taking some sports drinks to supplement the lost salt and other minerals.

The running time should be before 10 a.m.

and after 4 p.m.

First, try to choose a suitable running route.

Add enough water before, during and after exercise.

Running can improve joint and back health.

Fifth, if you feel dizzy, muscle spasm, stop sweating, or your skin is cold and wet, it is recommended to slow down or stop and stay in the shade for a proper rest.

By KingWay