In addition, a study published in the European Journal of epidemiology in 2017 found that passive sweating during sauna also brought additional benefits – a brief improvement in pulmonary function in 12 male patients with obstructive pulmonary disease.

Don’t say anything.

A study of 100 men and women in 2018 showed that the systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased after 30 minutes of sauna.

Just as running can improve your heart health, it may also be good for your lungs.

In an interview with outside magazine, Lorenzo said that in terms of aerobic exercise, heat-resistant training has a more significant improvement effect than altitude adaptation training.

This is undoubtedly a great blessing for runners who do not live in high-altitude areas or are difficult to accept high-altitude training.

Just as you don’t do speed training every day, running in extreme or overheated conditions every day is not recommended.

After only 10 days of thermal adaptation, they showed significant improvement in three aspects: maximum oxygen uptake, plasma volume and body self cooling ability.

The improvement of physical fitness improves its efficiency in handling oxygen and transporting oxygen to muscles.

Another study in 2017, which followed participants for 24 years, found that people who often steam saunas (4-7 times a week) had a 47% lower risk of hypertension.

In this particular study, riders improved their time trial results by 6% in cool conditions and 8% in hot conditions.

② Sweating a lot is a risk of dehydration.

I’m going running.

In 2010, Santiago Lorenzo conducted a heat-resistant training study on 20 athletes.

④ For your body, running at high temperature is always harder than running at low temperature.

Through regular running, sweating can make the heart stronger, pump blood more effortlessly and reduce the pressure on the arteries, so as to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

As we all know, running has many benefits.

Sweating is often wrongly beautified as a way to remove toxins from the body, but in fact, the credit for detoxification is due to the liver and kidney.

Let’s go.

02 can reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Be sure to replenish water before running, then continue to replenish water, and properly replenish electrolytes during running.

Other studies have shown that regular runners are less likely to develop a common cold than non runners.

As the first line of defense of the human body, many researchers said that it is more effective than traditional antibiotics because bacteria can not quickly develop resistance to it.

If you include heat resistance training in your plan, you have to confirm with your doctor that it is safe, and then carry out the training step by step, strategically, and control some factors within your control.

What about running and sweating? In addition to giving you taste, false weight loss and true dehydration, is there any merit in it? Next, let’s discuss how “sweating” is good for you.

I don’t have much to say.

③ The training frequency should be reasonable.

Sweat contains a human sweat gland antimicrobial peptide called dermcidin (DCD), which can protect the skin from foreign bacteria.

The human body has many defense mechanisms to resist bacteria and diseases.

It is worth noting that these studies were completed under controlled conditions.

However, this is not the so-called “sweating detoxification”.

04 it can protect your body from bacteria.

03 can improve your lung function.

running shin sleeves

If you want to add some materials at high temperature, limit the time at high temperature.

Although sweat may contain a small amount of toxic substances, your attempt to detoxify it is undoubtedly whimsical/// Well, you can’t wait to sweat.

A 1989 study showed that sweating can improve lung function, including vital capacity, volume, ventilation and forced expiratory volume.

If you have a very heavy or difficult workout, it’s best to finish it at a cooler time of the day.

Click the picture above to sign up.

Sign up to run online in the four seasons and spring and sweat together ~ article source: endurance sports picture source: Google assembly: Li Yuyi when signing up..

In addition, studies have shown that passive sweating in the sauna can also reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure, it’s not a good thing to run ten or eight laps in the high temperature immediately.

① Safety is the most important.

Give your body time to adapt gradually.

His conclusion is that the human body adapts to temperature changes faster than to altitude differences.

Before that, you should be careful.

01 can improve maximum oxygen uptake, plasma volume and adaptability to temperature changes.

By KingWay