There are mainly two bones that bear these weights, but they are not directly connected to each other.

In daily life, many friends have knee pain and swelling.

When it comes to the cause of this disease, many people will think of running and mountain climbing, but the real culprit is others.

Try to avoid activities that may cause knee injury, such as wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time, not paying attention to knee warmth in cold weather, etc.

These practices increase the likelihood of knee injuries.


At least 100 million people in China have this problem.

Osteoarthritis is a kind of articular cartilage abrasion disease.

The impact of these activities on the knee is temporary.

In most of our daily life, we don’t always run and climb mountains.

To protect the knee joint, in addition to controlling weight and proper exercise, we should also do the following: 1 Do a good job in sports protection, warm up before running and mountain climbing, and try to make the main joints of the body move; When the exercise intensity is high, wear knee protection and other protective articles; A pair of comfortable sports shoes is also essential for exercise; In case of knee discomfort during exercise, stop immediately to have a rest and do not continue forced exercise.

Only when your knee joint has been damaged, excessive exercise will aggravate the symptoms of arthritis.

The knee bears the weight of the body all year round, which is the most fundamental reason for knee injury.

Many studies have proved that proper exercise is also beneficial to the health of the knee joint.

When we walk and jog, the weight of the knee will increase by 2-3 times, and when we go up and down the mountain, the weight of the knee will increase by 3-4 times.

Once these cartilage tissues and meniscus are worn, the bones of the knee joint will directly contact and rub, causing inflammation such as redness, swelling, heat and pain.

The highest incidence rate is knee osteoarthritis.

Many times, the knee joint bears all the weight of our whole upper body and thighs.

Of all the joints in our body, the knee is the most able to withstand humiliation.

It’s your weight that really hurts your knees.

Try to avoid this sitting position.

running beanie


Sedentary and poor posture will also lead to nutritional deficiency and functional decline of knee and surrounding tissues; For those who need to sit or stand for a long time, leave the station for activities every hour of work; Crossing your legs can also hurt your knees.

Importantly, osteoarthritis is a disease caused by long-term wear of joints, which is irreversible.

In daily life, people inevitably have to walk and go uphill and downhill.

To prevent the occurrence of osteoarthritis, we should start from an early age…

Proper exercise can supplement the nutrition of knee cartilage and meniscus, enhance the muscles and ligaments around the knee, and protect the knee from injury.

There is a layer of cartilage and a buffer meniscus in the middle of the two “load-bearing bones”, which together play a role in buffering and protecting the knee joint.

According to the research, for every 10kg increase in our weight, the weight borne by our knees will increase by 20-80kg (depending on your posture).

Only by managing your weight can you finally protect your knee.

If someone asks you, what is the number one disease that causes human disability? Many friends may not have thought that it is actually a disease called osteoarthritis.

By KingWay