Note that if the body starts to swing and the supporting foot moves, the timing stops.

People with strong body balance are more likely to concentrate.

It requires that the timing of the action of the body muscle group is correct, the action direction and speed are appropriate, and the action is balanced, stable and rhythmic.

People with poor coordination often show that their running posture is not beautiful during running.

It’s a very handsome sprint.

01 one leg standing test ① stand with both feet naturally, then lift the left leg with the thigh parallel to the ground; ② Put your hands flat on your chest; ③ Close your eyes and start timing.

You can also see the wear degree of running shoes.

The process of maintaining balance is called sensorimotor control.

02 coordination body coordination refers to the ability to use the brain and body to complete actions smoothly, efficiently and accurately.

If it can remain stable for 20 seconds, it means that the balance on the test side is qualified.

take 10 jumps as a group of cycles.

If we focus too much, we need to correct it consciously.

Today, let’s talk about the relationship between running and body balance and coordination.

We believe that running is a relatively simple sport, but its action mode is very complex.

When running, they make stress adjustment according to the different roads and environment, so as to achieve a stable state and reduce the energy consumption of the body, so as to achieve better results.

② Run in place and circle with both hands.

When others run, they give full play to their strength at one go; But he turned into a ferocious face, and his waving arm had nowhere to be placed.

02 coordination training ① standing posture: the arms circle in the opposite direction, stand naturally, raise the left and right hands, straighten them and stick them to the ears, and then start drawing circles with the left hand forward and the right hand backward.

►►► training methods of balance and coordination 01 balance training ① single leg balance standing, standing on one leg for 30-60s each time, and then changing the opposite leg, 4-6 groups at a time.

Coordination is not only related to heredity and psychology, but also to muscle strength and muscle endurance, movement proficiency, body balance, softness and so on.

I’m still very tired after running.

During each jump, the toes should rotate in the direction.

Generally speaking, it is to maintain the balance of the body through human visual, tactile, auditory and other sensory activities.

Just run? What does it have to do with body balance and coordination? I often communicate with Bai when I hear a little question.

It needs to lose and restore the body’s center of gravity and maintain balance in the process of alternating legs, which can be completed in less than 1 / 10 second.

►►► self test of balance and coordination there are several simple ways to know the balance and coordination of your body.

Pay attention to the stability of the upper body all the time, and the toes should rotate in the same direction.

Go to self-test and train- End Click.

Balance and coordination are so important.

If the two legs are almost the same, it proves that they have a good sense of balance.

If there is an obvious difference in the circumference of the two legs, it is necessary to adjust the training method.

(both left and right sides need to be tested, taking the left side as an example) 02 pay attention to the feeling of left and right soles touching the ground during running or running shoes wear.

After the body adapts, it can accelerate.

The advanced version can choose to stand on one leg with balance ball or one leg with eyes closed.

I don’t know what’s wrong.

Usually we will focus on one side.

►►► what is the balance and coordination of the body? 01 balance the balance of the body refers to the ability to keep the center of gravity of the body on the supporting surface.

This is achieved through the interaction of active and passive constraints imposed by the muscle system, reflex actions controlled by the peripheral nervous system, and expected feedforward control controlled by the central nervous system.

compression toe socks

② Jump practice vertical jump, back and forth jump, side jump, turn jump, etc.

③ Turn the hip jump to stand naturally, open both feet with the same width as the shoulder, and start the jump action.

When jumping next time, the toes should return to the right direction, and then turn in the other direction when jumping next time.

03 look in the mirror and observe the muscle lines of the two legs in the mirror.

Advanced can start to complete the arm circle during running.

In the position of running in place, raise and straighten your arms and start to circle in the same direction.

You need to keep your body stable and the rhythm of the soles of your feet should not be disordered.

By KingWay