As soon as the running was over, husky directly collapsed on the treadmill and fell asleep for a second.

Maybe he was tired.

It often makes two mistakes and demolishes its house.

seamless bandana

Husky is known as the “leader of demolition brigade” and belongs to the “sledge three fools” army.

Erha will take care of it!” Note: some text and picture resources in this article come from the Internet,.

On this day, as usual, the owner let husky run on the treadmill to consume energy.

A pet owner has a husky at home.

Husky: “what’s the matter with you, little brother? Buy me a treadmill just to make my meat firm and sell it at a good price? You’re such a schemer!” Master: “do you know you’re afraid? I see if you dare to tear down your house in the future.

Looking at husky, who fell asleep, the owner decided to trick him, so he pretended to call the dog dealer, “Hey, is it a dog dealer? What’s the price of dog meat now? Do you still accept dogs? I have a dog in my family who often exercises, and the meat must be very tight!” Maybe after understanding the master’s words, husky woke up instantly.

It has the magical magic of teasing people with only one look or expression.

To what extent? Let’s just say that the treadmill in the owner’s house was bought for it.

If I find you tear down your house again, I’ll really send you to the dog meat shop!” Netizens laughed wildly when they saw this scene, “erha: I’ve just been frightened and want to tear down my home to be calm”, “dog’s small eyes are in place”, “it’s worthy of being a walking expression bag, it’s really not covered”, “erha: what? Are you serious? I won’t run in the future!” “Well, the treadmill is gone.

His incredible expression was enough to see his inner panic, and his eyes were as big as lanterns.

This time it’s just a warning.

He is an extremely energetic hairy child.

It can always do unexpected things, but this can not stop people’s love for husky.

By KingWay