This is due to her continuous research and Practice on how to improve her performance without sports injury.

Research shows that the knee joint needs to bear 1.5-5 times the pressure when running, that is, when a 60 kg adult is running, the knee joint of each leg needs to bear 90-300 kg of pressure.

For example, if the body is overweight or obese, the risk of joints will naturally increase.

In her 18 years of career, she can run nine times around the earth, but there was no joint injury.

So she devoted herself to research and developed a set of running methods for mass runners, namely sun’s Dantian running method, which comprehensively guides mass runners how to exercise scientifically without damaging their joints from the aspects of running posture, elements, technology, stretching before and after running, etc.

After detailed analysis, they came to the following conclusions: there is no evidence that exercise is significantly related to knee pain symptoms; For some people who participate in sports and have knee pain, this phenomenon is related to the individual institutional structure and sports methods; The happy conclusion is that moderate exercise not only does not cause damage to the knee, but also can prevent the occurrence of degenerative knee arthritis.

Whether the load-bearing running of the knee joint hurts the knee or not depends on whether the joint itself can cope with the long-term pressure of running.

In fact, whether the knee joint will be damaged depends on factors such as the way of running, the road surface, and the time of running.

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In nearly seven years of teaching and training practice, the students aged from 8 to 90 years old, no one suffered joint injury, and helped tens of thousands of mass runners run healthily…

Correct running posture combined with sufficient muscle strength training can greatly reduce the pressure on the knee joint, which is also the most effective way to protect the knee joint.

What about the truth? According to the statistics of the scientific research report, up to now, there is no scientific data to prove that people who train for long-distance running will have worse knee joints than normal people.

In particular, the inherent idea of running, coupled with seeing that some people now have knee pain due to running, leads to the conclusion that “running hurts the knee”.

Nevertheless, the shockproof design of the knee joint is also able to withstand.

For more scientific running and the latest activities, please pay attention to [Sun Yingjie running club] whether running hurts the knee or not? Some people who never exercise often have an inherent idea that exercise will cause joint strain.

After her retirement, she saw that more than 70% of amateur runners in China suffered from ankle, knee and hip injuries due to unscientific running methods.

They collected 1362 relevant papers and research reports around the world.

In order to solve the myth of exercise and knee pain, Australia has conducted in-depth research to find the relationship between exercise and knee pain.

The method of running without hurting joints was once counted by the media for Sun Yingjie.

By KingWay