In spring, the warmest sunshine.

Go out and run and focus on these positive and happy sports.

In the current spring, all this is no longer a problem, because getting up early is not a thing.

However, in spring, almost all the places you pass by are full of green trees.

Looking at the bare branches without leaves in winter, running may feel very desolate.

She runs long distances at least twice a week.

After six months of exercise, her flesh is much tighter.

🌱🌻🏃 Don’t waste the best season of spring.

It’s enough to drink before and after running, which saves the trouble of having to bring water.

It was more difficult to think of running in the morning than to climb the sky, because we just couldn’t get out of the warm quilt.

Since running, she hasn’t been ill for more than half a year.

Only in spring can we see the real beauty of the world.

Jilin running group pays close attention to Jilin running group’s wechat all the way and enjoys a healthy and beautiful life.

If you like it, don’t forget to watch it..

For example, when we run on the main road, there are often earthwork trucks rolling in with dust like sand storm.

How can you not be infected with such a scene and environment.

camel pack running

When spring comes and you step into the first step in warm weather, you will feel sober and your whole body will be intoxicated with this temperature.

At this time, your mood will not be too bad, because you will feel that they are cheering for you when you hear the cry of birds.

A female runner has been running since last summer vacation.

At the moment, even if you are in a good mood, you will be very depressed by such things.

Long distance running is a great exercise for cardiopulmonary ability, just like “weight-bearing exercise”.

Green will always give you a feeling of vitality, and you will feel infinite power and passion when running.

Now all kinds of flowers are in full bloom, and all kinds of colors are telling that spring is coming.

It’s really sorry for spring not to run.

Pay attention to the wechat of Jilin running group and enjoy a healthy and beautiful life.

Sometimes we ordered many alarm clocks for ourselves, and as a result, the annoying bell was extinguished when we reached out again and again.

Spring is coming, everything recovers, and the temperature is as comfortable as specially customized for running.

For such a temperature, first of all, there will be no sweat during running, and the whole body will be dry all the way.

However, runners with a history of severe heart and asthma had better not run during the onset and on smog and sandstorm days to avoid danger.

You can smell the smell of spring when you go out.

It’s not as hot and sweaty as summer, but warm and gentle.

When running, we can also capture the passing beauty with our mobile phone.

Spring running has many benefits.

You can better hear the birds chirping and singing on the branches, because they also know that spring is coming and get up earlier than us.

In spring, a more beautiful running environment.

Spring is the most intensive race month.

Wearing light sportswear, the collision between body temperature and external temperature will only produce a trace of coolness.

Most importantly, she used to have asthma.

Running is a good way to “fight asthma”.

Secondly, you will not feel cold, and your body will not feel stiff because of the temperature, so you can avoid injury; Finally, we don’t need to replenish any water after running for more than ten kilometers.

There are too many reasons to go out and run in spring 🔻 The most suitable running temperature as runners, we must still remember that winter just passed.

After a hard winter, the warm sunshine and longer sunshine are really a happy start.

Most of the time, the feeling of running has a great relationship with the environment.

So what’s the reason why you like running in spring? We remain neutral on the opinions in the article and only share them with runners for reference and exchange.

Due to the difference between body temperature and air temperature, regular outdoor running can improve the regulation function of the nervous system to body temperature and improve the adaptability of the human body to the changes of cold and heat in the external environment.

By KingWay