In addition, lack of sleep will make people more likely to feel stressed and become grumpy# Sleep can help runners lose weight more effectively # many people hope to lose weight through running, but lack of sleep will make efforts in vain.

Brief breathing exercises before going to bed can help you stabilize your heart rhythm, blood pressure and control pressure.


The artificial light emitted by electronic devices will make your body think it is sunlight and stop secreting melatonin, so keep yourself away from the interference of blue light and electronic products an hour before going to bed.

During sleep, water, sodium and other electrolytes are rebalanced by the kidneys.


If you don’t have enough rapid eye movement period, they will easily feel irritable and tired the next day..

Visual and relaxation practice.


Runners develop the following good habits, which can greatly improve the quality of sleep and improve the running state: 1.

It can help muscles recover, strengthen bone, and convert physical fat into energy.

At this time, the intensity can be controlled by calculating the heart rate.

Moderate fatigue after running can make your sleep more quality, and enough effective sleep can also make your body get better rest after exercise.

Click the blue word above and remember to pay attention to us! Good and sufficient sleep is the most direct, effective and economical way to eliminate fatigue and restore physical strength.


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Growth hormone is not urgent.

Therefore, the night before the running race, runners must ensure the quality of sleep, not only because you can focus on adjusting tactics and rhythm, but also because when you are extremely focused, people have the strongest endurance and are easier to stick to the end.

If you can’t run in the morning, try to schedule it between 5 and 7 p.m.

Here are simple breathing exercises to help you fall asleep faster.

Sleep experts suggest that if you have sleep problems, you should enjoy an hour of morning sunshine, or use bright lights when you get up and turn off the lights before going to bed.

High quality night sleep can greatly improve athletes’ performance on the field.

Pay attention to the intensity of running at night.

For those long-distance athletes, sleep is particularly important, otherwise the body will not be able to recover from heavy training.

Basking in the sun, breathing fresh air and enjoying the sun outdoors can help improve sleep, but it is not so easy to bask in the sun recently.

Therefore, if you want to improve your performance, sleep is essential# Sleep can promote growth hormone secretion # in deep sleep, the pituitary gland will release growth hormone and flow into the blood.


If there is not enough water, the kidneys will not work properly# Sleep helps muscles and bones recover # and when you sleep, the body repairs damaged tissue.

On the contrary, if there is a problem with the running arrangement, it will not only fail to increase the sleep quality and sleep time, but also cause health “side effects”: not only the runner’s body cannot recover, but also aggravate the sleep problem# Sleep can help the body absorb water # for runners, the most important significance of sleep is to help the body absorb water again.

Taking a few minutes to relax, breathe and visual meditation practice before going to bed can help you fall asleep faster.

Choose not to run too late.

Sleep better in the dark.

Try before going to bed! Inhale through your nose for six, hold your breath for three, then exhale through your nose for six, hold your breath for three, and continue this breathing practice until you fall asleep.


Reducing alcohol consumption is related to reducing the rapid eye movement cycle and prolonging the time required to sleep, so you will find that alcohol will lead to light sleep, frequent waking and turning over; According to the report, people who drink more than two cups before going to bed feel that they have not entered deep sleep and have no good sleep quality.

Even on cloudy days, outdoor activities are also one of the effective ways to regulate sleep; Athletes should be in the sun for at least 30 minutes every day.

Turning off electronic products an hour (or more) before going to bed is a good way to keep your body away from stimuli and help you relax, such as TV, loud music, advertisements, computer screens, or other external interference.

If you choose to run three hours before going to bed, it may lead to insomnia, because running at this time will increase your core body temperature (internal temperature of the human body), causing trouble for your smooth sleep.

Generally speaking, the heart rate does not exceed 120 beats / min after 5 minutes of running and 100 beats / min after 10 minutes.

Decorate your sleep environment with opaque shutters, lampshades or curtains.

The surrounding light may be distracting, such as light from luminous, flashing clocks, or other electronic devices, which will interfere with your stable sleep.

If we sleep too little, our bodies produce more hormones that make us feel hungry and lead to too little secretion of hormones that produce a sense of fullness.

During human sleep, most of the cerebral cortex is in a state of inhibition, the excitation process is reduced, the catabolism in the body is at the lowest level, while anabolism is relatively active, which is conducive to the accumulation of energy in the body and the comprehensive recovery of various organ systems.

Through adequate rest, our bones and muscles can also be ready for the next day’s exercise.

If you train properly, weight loss is not difficult# Sleep keeps runners focused # and those who stay up all night know how hard it is to stay focused the next day.

If the intensity of running at night is too high, it is easy to reduce blood sugar, which is easy to release cortisol and adrenaline, resulting in hunger and affecting sleep.

For runners who don’t use heart rate bands, there is another simple and effective way: if they can say a word freely while running, it means that the intensity is OK.

A full night’s high-quality sleep can stop people from overeating.

By KingWay