The raindrops hit his face, and his eyes were white.

I can run anywhere near my home with few vehicles.

Many people are depressed and may want to commit suicide.

I guess I missed a lot of basic etiquette of actively greeting acquaintances.

His footsteps patted the water on the road and sent out a different beat than usual.

I don’t want to run.” There are often similar days.

Even after starting a business and starting a new career, the symptoms are not alleviated.

At the beginning, in order to pursue the sense of ceremony, I would drive to a park with pleasant scenery.

I’m not here to talk and shout, “come on! Let’s run every day and stay healthy!” In the final analysis, these are just fragments of thinking, or self-question and answer – what does it mean for me to keep running.

My brain beats between different thoughts one by one.

That’s it.

Haruki Murakami wrote: no matter how long-distance running is consistent with my temperament, there are also such days.

Although this is a book about running, it is not a book about healthy methods.

As Haruki Murakami said: now is the time to accumulate the running distance with perseverance, so now you don’t have to care about the results, just spend time accumulating the distance silently.

When I wake up every morning, there is always a stone weighing heavily on my heart and I can hardly breathe.

After running, my wife also said with a slight tone of blame that I “didn’t fall”.

“I feel so heavy today.

Like a person who has lived in a dark and humid basement for a long time, he instantly transferred to the grassland with blue sky and white clouds.

I feel that my heart has lost its ability to feel, and my heart is like a thick and smelly foot binding.

It was an unprecedented magical experience.

After about half a year of crazy running, depression magically disappeared.

After running for a short time, the thick and smelly foot binding wrapped in the heart seemed to be torn open.

Sometimes, I will think deeply about some problems, forget the scenery on the road and the pain of my body, and only repeat monotonously and firmly with my steps and breathing.

Isn’t there a time when you don’t want to run? Yes, and often.

At the beginning, it didn’t rain much.

Think about it, maybe you can also write about your feeling of running.

During that time, I read psychology books crazily, tried meditation in Harvard open class happiness class, and kept a diary.

The title of the article is a book written by Haruki Murakami.

(1) Strangely enough, my motivation to start running is not to exercise or lose weight, but to avoid pain.

At the beginning of the book, the author clearly expressed his writing intention at the beginning.

Once, it rained in the middle of the race.

It may seem strange to you, but it’s true.

Later, it rained harder and harder, but the goal had not been achieved.

Miraculously, the pain of the body has quietly offset the suffering of the soul.

camel pack running

If you want to run faster, accelerate appropriately, but even acceleration is very short.

Later, I learned that when running, due to the extreme pain of the body, the brain will secrete nephenidate to offset the pain.

Every time I run, I will silently plan the amount of running in my heart.

Occasionally meet some acquaintances, almost all turn a blind eye, and it is always the acquaintances who say hello first.

It was useless.

After two years of failed entrepreneurship, I found myself gorgeous and depressed.

Isn’t that the key to meditation? Most of the time, I will focus on the rhythm of breathing and try to keep the rhythm of breathing consistent with my steps.

Because I don’t want to run today, I have to run today.

Later, I basically formed the habit of running once every two days, six to ten kilometers at a time.

Slowly, I found that the park with beautiful scenery did not bring added value to running..

I still have a strong desire to survive.

At this time, they find all kinds of high sounding reasons to rest and don’t want to run.

And I’m not alone.

I found that to overcome the idea of not wanting to run is to put on running shoes and try to run.

They are always inexplicably depressed and are not interested in anything.

The air volume was amazing and the noise was frightening.

Naturally, your brain will not entangle with these uninvited guests for too long due to the pain of your body.

After 30 seconds, I don’t want to run.

When I am depressed, I try my best to save myself.

Personally, it has been more than eight years since October 2014, running a total of 9352 kilometers.

You just want to keep the pleasure you feel in your body until the next day.

Finally, I found that running has some effects.

At the beginning, when I ran for two kilometers, my lungs were like a large blower with air leakage.

I like this kind of self suggestion goal setting, which makes it easier for me to keep running.

Thinking that the clothes were soaked with sweat anyway, and the light rain didn’t hinder us, we continued to run forward.

Let these thoughts go in and out of the blank main tone.

Even their favorite walks and movies are just like chewing wax.

(3) I basically don’t choose the place to run.

The pattering rain next to his ears covered up the rough and crazy breathing sound.

Looking back, I still admire myself.

The effects of endogenous non peptide and antidepressant Prozac are similar.

Since then, out of control, I began to run crazily, and the amount of running became larger and larger, two kilometers, five kilometers and eight kilometers.

The bright sunshine, the sweet singing of birds, mixed with the physical pain of the body, has become a delicious chicken soup for the soul.

(2) When running, your brain is basically blank, and occasionally some thoughts invade.

But I have a faint joy in my heart.

I simply continued to run in the rain.

A month later, I ran the longest 15 kilometers.

The heat of the body was washed clean by the rain, and it seemed easier to run.

The only purpose of running is to make the body fully feel the physical pain and keep the spiritual pleasure until the next day.

It can be described without exaggeration.

Running in the heavy rain, pedestrians on the roadside may think I’m an abnormal person.

By KingWay