Let’s meet these dancers who are enthusiastic about public welfare, rehearse punctually, never give up and have no complaints.

Almost all people who like dancing have the same characteristics, that is, they have a good body, refined temperament, energetic and confident work style.

We will make persistent efforts! Influence and drive everyone to micro horse together and do a good job of micro horse public welfare together.

It seems that it is destined to be an auspicious day of June 6.

Fenyi Brigade was represented by excellent captain Guo Rui, beautiful and capable instructor Lu Dongmei Under the leadership of the elegant executive vice captain pan Lei, he has always advocated the sports concept of national fitness and happy running, and widely disseminated the core values of “public welfare, equality, health and sunshine” of China Weima.

Thank you very much for organizing this event, the management members and the wechat family and volunteers who silently support and pay.

Warmly welcome Hu Zhiqiang, vice chairman of Xinyu Weima Running Association, commander in chief Fu Chunhua, executive deputy commander in chief Wang Zhigui and the Weima family of each brigade.

All eyes are Chinese, and all five stars are faith.

As the leader of Fenyi, I am well aware of the responsibilities and responsibilities I shoulder.

Naturally, everyone also actively participated in stretching.

At 6:30 in the morning, the activity started on time.

Distinguished guests, Xinyu Weima Running Association and Fenyi Weima family: Good morning! Since the establishment of Xinyu Weima Fenyi brigade on February 26, 2017, under the correct leadership of chairman Xing Runping of Xinyu Weima Running Association and with the strong support of government departments, caring enterprises and caring people, the banner of Weima has been raised higher! Fenyi brigade advocates national fitness and healthy life with the spirit of fearless and selfless contribution! Fenyi Weima keeps forging ahead in spite of rain and wind…

In order to accelerate the construction and development of the team and realize social values, adhering to the concept of Weima public welfare, equality, health and sunshine, Fenyi brigade is full of confidence and challenges to its goals and pursues excellence, Improve yourself! We practice wechat and pass on the spirit of the Winter Olympics, promote positive energy for everyone to share, and select wechat stars and wechat talents every month.

This is also the first morning run of the Weima family in the year of the tiger.

After meeting, they were extremely warm and cordial, with a scene of laughter and laughter.

Everyone has worked hard! I wish you all a sweet life and good health! Family happiness! Thank Vice President Hu Zhiqiang very much for his wonderful sharing speech.

The people have faith and the country has power.

I quickly snapped some beautiful photos.

In order to promote the micro horse culture, show the style of micro horse people, convey the concept of micro horse five kilometer micro marathon, help the national fitness and enhance the social influence, the family members of Fenyi micro horse team rushed to the county government square from all directions to sign in under the national flag at the dawn.

Nearly 100 Weima family members gathered together.

May you and I work together, walk hand in hand and welcome a more wonderful year together! Team leader of Xinyu Weima Fenyi: Guo Rui, on February 26, 2022, in this celebration day, of course, the most important link is the team routine..

Thank you for coming all the way.

The dignified and kind host Huang Dan, with a sweet smile, is always so elated and radiant! The micro horse dance team led by Huang Dan, fearing the severe cold, has always insisted on rehearsal and did not miss every wonderful micro horse activity, adding a bit of beautiful color to each activity.

Look at the confident and free plum blossom sister, the positive assistant instructor Xiaohua sister, the dignified elder brother Huang Yulong, and the young and promising vice captain Yan Xueyong.

We were born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze.

It enjoys a good reputation in the whole county and has made positive contributions to promoting national fitness.

I hope more handsome men and women can join the micro horse dance team.

Guo Rui, leader of Xinyu Weima Fenyi, delivered a speech.

Lu taught that the loud and clear beat always makes people sound so comfortable and relaxed.

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We filled our hearts with love and made the scenery and fragrance all the way.” As the rhythm sounded, the dancers carried out a valiant posture.

They are always full of positive energy! Let’s admire it and learn from it! After stretching exercises, the members of our micro horse dance team brought us a vigorous warm-up dance “song of micro horse”.

Come and see their beautiful pictures! “Facing the rising sun, we set sail happily with songs and laughter.

Instructor Lu Dongmei, deputy instructor Wang Yan, chairman and chief teacher Liu Haihui, and three excellent and beautiful beautiful sisters led everyone to warm up before the race.

Today is February 26, 2022, the 26th day of the first lunar month.

We select relay and wechat good people from time to time!!! In the new year, we are still chasing dreams.

We are running on the road.

Jiangnan is beautiful in spring, enjoying a gentle breeze, breathing fresh air, facing the dawn, and ushering in the fifth anniversary of the Fenyi brigade of Xinyu Weima Running Association.

They are Huang Dan, Zhong Xixiang, Yuan Wanxiang, Zou Jianmei, Xiao Ting, Lin Hexiu, he Xihua and Yan Xiaoyan.

After five years of ups and downs, Fenyi brigade is very proud to usher in its fifth birthday.

Entrusted by President Xing Runping, Vice President Hu Zhiqiang, on behalf of Xinyu Weima Running Association, attended the celebration of the fifth anniversary of the establishment of Xinyu Weima Fenyi brigade and delivered a speech: on February 26, 2022, Xinyu Weima Fenyi brigade ushered in the birthday celebration of the fifth anniversary of its establishment.

The road to the future is blocked and long.

First of all, the elegant and intelligent instructor Lu Dongmei led everyone to do pre run stretching exercises.

Scientific sports, national fitness, public welfare, equality, health and sunshine have always been the cultural spirit advocated by our Weima people.

I lead an excellent team and a healthy army that loves sports.

Xinyu Weima Fenyi brigade has become a well-known sports team of the people of the whole county.

By KingWay