These diseases seem rare.

Improve the speed step by step.

They can warm the inhaled air and make it suitable for the temperature of the human body, so try to breathe with the nose- End Click.

Injury prevention is necessary for any sport, because the muscles and ligaments will reflexively cause vasoconstriction and viscosity increase under low temperature, the range of motion of joints will be reduced, the extension of ligaments will be reduced, and the command ability of nervous system to muscles will also be reduced without preparatory activities, If you don’t do enough preparatory activities before exercise, it will cause joint ligament strain, muscle strain, etc., or muscle ache after a lot of exercise, which will affect work and life.

The air in spring is relatively dry and the humidity in the air is reduced, which is easy to cause symptoms such as dry throat, lack of saliva, dry lips, nose bleeding and so on.

After entering spring, you suddenly start a lot of exercise.

Replenish water before and after running.

Your body needs to bear additional pressure, and sweating will increase.

After all, it’s just the beginning of training, and the speed will gradually increase.

In addition, running will lose water in the body, so you should supplement enough water before and during running.

If there is a game at the end of March or early April, you can choose to train in the morning.

The purpose of this is to adapt to the climatic conditions on race day.

They are like radiators in the room.

We should also pay attention to a potential danger – pollen allergy.

Spring is generally cold in the morning and evening, and the temperature rises faster at noon.

This tube is called “nasal cavity”.

As long as you master the exercise intensity, running at night will make people sleep better, but you should finish running two hours before going to bed and wash your feet with hot water for 15-20 minutes after running, which can promote blood circulation and make it easier to fall asleep.

In addition, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is densely covered with particularly fine capillaries.

Flexible addition and subtraction of clothes before going out for training in spring, you must pay attention to the weather forecast.

In order to keep the heart rate within the target range, the only way is to reduce the speed.

If runners plan to compete in May, they can train at the highest temperature of the day.

Beware of allergy, sunny spring, blooming flowers, and the opening of flowers.

But don’t worry about it.

It can block the dust and germs in the air and prevent them from entering the human body.

The amount of exercise in winter is very small.

If you are allergic to pollen, you should go less or try not to run in the park where flowers are in full bloom.

When the temperature is relatively high on a certain day and you just choose to go out for training, your body after a winter’s rest can’t adapt to this temperature.

Most runners choose to run in the morning or at night when the temperature is relatively low, so it is very important to pay attention to self-protection after running, such as changing dry clothes in time, avoiding hair blowing after running, and paying attention to rest, sleep and nutrition.

There is a curved, narrow and long pipe on the left and right sides of the human nose.

fanny pack for gym

Night running is best between 7 o’clock and 8 o’clock.

Keep fresh vegetables and drink plenty of water to prevent sore throat after exercise.

Otherwise, if you fall ill like a mountain, you will have to resume training for a long time if you want to recover to the peak.

If you are very tired after exercise, accompanied by headache, dizziness, chest tightness and other discomfort, it means that the amount of exercise is too large, so you should reduce the amount of exercise.

Many sports medicine experts believe that running at night is more scientific.

As the temperature rises, our bodies also enter a good state of exercise.

You can wear more thin clothes and take them off one by one with the increase of sweating.

Choose the right running time.

However, due to the large temperature difference between morning and evening and noon in spring and the relatively dry air, the following problems also need special attention when adhering to exercise.

Many people are worried that the excitement of night running will affect their sleep.

In spring, the essence and Qi of the human body are in the rising stage, and the amount of exercise should be gradual from small to large.

As the saying goes: a year’s plan lies in spring.

You need to replenish water to prevent dehydration.

If you are running outdoors, pay attention to the way you breathe and try to breathe through your nose.

The incidence rate is increasing year by year.

By KingWay