If the nutrition can’t keep up, it will lead to the loss of tissues, muscles and other organs in the body and can’t be repaired.

Therefore, don’t rush to run to lose weight, control the movement rhythm and give yourself a period of time# Health has knowledge #..

Running every day can improve the oxygen uptake capacity of heart and lungs, maintain body shape, delay aging, beautify and maintain health.

Gradually increase the amount of running and make changes in your plan that suit you.

It was in the early morning that the muscle tissue of each organ began the process of self-cleaning, repair and detoxification.

for the elderly.

It’s a free subscription.

So when running, you must do a good job in sunscreen.

Department of sports shows that the benefits of running are not limited to the changes you can see with your eyes.

Long term running in the sun will make the skin dark and yellow, accelerate the loss of trace elements such as collagen, and lead to dry skin and wrinkles.

This helps delay aging, beautify and repair damaged tissues.

Don’t pay attention to rest.

Many retired people like to run during the day.

It can improve the ability of cardiopulmonary photography.

A study by the U.S.

Don’t pay attention to sunscreen.

But many people lose a lot because of their heavy weight and heavy consumption.

running sling bag

If the two are combined, it is more beneficial to health.

According to the statistics of China’s Ministry of sports, adults do at least 150-200 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise or about 70 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise every week.

It has super obvious effects on many diseases, prevention and treatment, even more obvious than taking medicine.

Losing weight too fast is a long and slow process, which needs to be done step by step.

The reason why they are getting older and older is that they don’t have enough sunscreen.

Moreover, excessive exercise intensity will lead to forced decomposition of collagen into the blood, endocrine disorder and serious signs of aging.

Moderate exercise is considered the most powerful way to stay young.

I’ve lost weight, but the sequelae is obvious.

Share every day.

In short, running in the right posture can effectively delay aging, replenish qi and blood, and make you look younger and more energetic.

Running with insufficient nutrition will consume energy and physical strength.

Because the body can’t adapt to strenuous exercise and high-intensity exercise.

Especially if you insist on running and staying up late, the aging speed will accelerate and the body’s immune function will be low.

Because the skin has no fat support, there will be relaxation, sunken cheeks, dim eyes, waxy skin, loss of collagen and other phenomena.

If you don’t have a training foundation and increase your running volume, the result will not only be aging, but also damage muscles and joints.

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UV is a skin killer.

As the saying goes, sleep is the best self-healing.

Increasing the amount of exercise is a slow process, which should be improved step by step to enhance the ability of anti-oxidation and oxygen uptake.

Therefore, the daily diet must ensure adequate intake of nutrients and a balanced diet.

Skin aging, excessive water loss, mental depression, physical decline, etc.

Compared with sedentary people, the body, physical bones and muscles look 8-10 years younger.

As the saying goes, life lies in sports.

The best exercise time should be from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Why do some people insist on running, but find that the signs of aging are more obvious? Overload operation as the name suggests, high load running is running too much.

Please rest assured to pay attention.

Staying up late for a long time will break the biological cycle.

Of course, incorrect posture can be counterproductive.

It is a recognized antioxidant, but its strength is too high and its side effects are obvious.

Running for 50 minutes a day is conducive to good health, stimulate the cerebral cortex, activate thinking and improve memory.

Try to go to bed before 11 o’clock and sleep for 7-8 hours every night.

Among them, running, as a low-cost and unrestricted public sport, is deeply loved by people.

Running for 50 minutes every day, is it anti-aging or accelerating aging? It’s not too late to know.

Or there may be inflammatory reaction, leading to muscle tissue damage, severe muscle lysis, bloody stool, soy sauce, urine, etc.

If you don’t have enough rest, it’s difficult to do it.

You can eat more dietary fiber, vitamins and protein, properly supplement high-quality fat, balance the loss in the body and protect your health.

This will consume a lot of physical strength and energy, making people look very tired and old.

Too strong.

By KingWay