camel pack running

Running is also beneficial to other systems.

It can move the main muscle groups of the body, especially the leg muscles, which are known as “the second heart of the human body”.

If you don’t want to spend too much time running and want to get the benefits of longevity, the good news is that running more than 50 minutes a week has nothing to do with the length of longevity; The frequency and speed of running are also irrelevant.

One of the best ways to avoid seeing a doctor is to exercise.

And running also has other benefits, such as reducing inflammation, which is the root of many diseases; Stimulate the body to produce proteins that help improve health.

In other words, as long as there is running, it is beneficial to health, and it can also avoid the negative effects of long-term running on human knees.

Life span is a variable worth considering, which is controlled by factors such as disease, happiness and vitality.

The combination of these factors is helpful to avoid the deterioration of the disease.

After tracking for five years, people who found that they ran (regardless of the amount of running) had a lower chance of death than those who didn’t run at all.

Therefore, running can occasionally affect almost all functions of the human body.

As long as running is good for your health.

We all know that running is a kind of weight-bearing exercise of the whole body, which has certain requirements for strength, strength, coordination and cardiovascular function.

In fact, as long as you spend less time running, it may help to prolong your life.

In this way, your body may increase more microvessels and arterioles, which will eventually help reduce blood pressure and reduce the burden of hypertension on the body and organs.

Of course, many people don’t just run to prolong their life.

Recent studies abroad have found that compared with people who don’t run, runners have a 27% lower chance of dying of any factor and a 30% lower risk of dying of cardiovascular disease and 23% lower risk of cancer, respectively.

Taking the cardiovascular system as an example, running forces blood vessels and the heart to adapt and expand blood vessels, accelerate blood supply to the heart and provide greater blood volume.

Some people run to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, some to avoid cardiovascular disease, some because running can improve their mood, and some to fight depression.

Even if the running time is not long, it is no exception.

Generally speaking, the low standard of healthy exercise is to exercise for at least 75-90 minutes a week, that is, about 30 minutes three times a week, but it may not be easy for most people.

Does that mean that since there is no way to make exercise meet the minimum standard, you just give up exercise? It is estimated that many people have this idea, even as an excuse for not exercising, but now I tell you, this idea is wrong.

No study, including this latest study, can really define the time to run for optimal health benefits.

One thing is certain: running for more than 0 minutes is good for your health…

In addition, vigorous physical activity, including running, is the best way to avoid Alzheimer’s disease.

The study counted about 232000 people, including the United States, Denmark, the United Kingdom, China and other countries.

The important factor is that they feel they don’t have enough time, are busy and don’t have time to exercise.

Under the modern lifestyle, many people lack exercise.

So eventually, the researchers concluded that one of the best ways to avoid seeing a doctor is to exercise.

So why does running help reduce cancer risk? Running helps reduce cancer risk, in part because it consumes blood sugar, making it difficult for cancer cells that rely on blood sugar for energy to obtain energy.

By KingWay