Therefore, if you want to run healthily, stretching is very important.

Many people blindly join the running army.

If they don’t pay attention to it, they will cause running injuries such as muscle soreness.

If you are too eager for success, you will have problems.

For the correct landing posture, you should bend your knees slightly so that you can get some cushioning when landing.

The original amount of running was only about 100.

The knee strength is weak, because running is a process that requires the knee joint to be straightened and bent repeatedly.

In fact, this really hurts the knee, because only when the knee joint is properly bent, the nearby muscle groups can form a natural buffer mechanism, reduce the wear of knee articular cartilage, and let the support force be transmitted to the thigh muscle group and core muscle group.

It is best to control the step frequency at 180 / min.

According to a 2012 report, 17% of sports fans were affected by knee pain, of which incidence rate was 62% and incidence rate was 38%.

To a certain extent, this process will put pressure on the knee and cause the consequences of knee strain.

running sling bag

These shoes are not suitable for running.

How to help the knee recover? 1.

If the knee joint is “straightened”, the impact of landing will not be reduced and will be borne by the knee joint.

The reason why many people are keen on running is that running is good for their health.

If you want to run for a long time, especially female runners, you must pay attention to stretching if you want to have a pair of beautiful legs.

Men 7% in 2015, American sports data, Inc.

Learn the correct running posture.

How is running knee ache to return a responsibility? Exercise is good for health.

So if you want to improve your speed and running volume, let your body adapt to the rhythm of running first.


The above is about the causes of running knee pain and the solutions to the symptoms of knee pain.

However, how to run healthily is also a knowledge.


When running shoes are not suitable for running, we should wear running shoes, not high heels, leather shoes, sandals, etc.

This has greatly stimulated everyone’s enthusiasm for fitness.

Even if they only run for a few months, the pace will soon go up.


Stretching is not in place.

Running is a healthy sport.

But some runners reported that their knees hurt when they run fast, and they also hurt when they run more than 15 kilometers.

The correct running posture first needs to ensure that the body is relaxed, the head is forward, the abdomen is closed, and the trunk is slightly forward.


It has to be said that some runners are gifted in running.

If you run just for running and damage your body, it’s really unnecessary.

Such training will only consume the body excessively.

Running has become the first choice for many fitness people.

If the amount of running soared to 300-400, the body will feel tired and put more pressure on the knee.

ranked the incidence of different types of sports injuries – knee injuries topped the list after investigating 15000 families.

Running is a gradual way of exercise.

If you have severe symptoms of knee pain, please see a doctor in time for examination and treatment…


You can often see such slogans.

Don’t land straight.

However, because many runners have not done knee training and their strength is relatively weak, when the pressure reaches a certain degree, it will easily cause patellar injury and produce the symptoms of knee pain reflected by runners.

Fast speed and large amount of running.

It’s really hurt.


Incorrect running posture when running to the ground, many people fall straight to the ground.

Especially squat against the wall is recommended, which is not good for runners.

Warm up before running and stretch after running.

This cycle causes the symptoms of knee pain.

In particular, self disciplined runners insist on getting up early and never staying up late.

When we choose running shoes, we should not only focus on the quality of the brand, but also focus on whether the shoes fit, breathable and comfortable.

Strengthening leg muscle training, lunge squat, squat against the wall and climbing stairs are very good rehabilitation training.

However, many runners with knee pain can’t repair the muscle tissue because they don’t do stretching seriously.

If you reduce part of the running volume, increase the strength training practice, and then increase the running volume after increasing the strength, the body will adapt to the training rhythm faster and achieve the training effect of speed improvement.

When taking steps, the foothold should be close to the bottom of the hip, with light steps.

Why does your knee hurt after running? 1.

Among runners, the incidence rate of female was 10%.

Reasonable control of the amount of running, whether the more the better, than the amount of running, effective training is actually more important.

Violent walking, night running and mountaineering have become popular sports.

Playing steadily is more effective than being eager for success.

Stretching is a link that is said a thousand times and ten thousand times, and some people will never pay attention to it.

Some people succeed in losing weight, some get rid of bad hobbies, and others find a lifelong love.


By KingWay