So I listened to the voice of most runners and told you: “how to keep every kilometer in state” garbage run? Doesn’t it work when you run? Jogging leisurely and slowly may indeed be healthier than lying and sitting for a long time.

Especially when running, the tensile strength of ligaments and muscles is greater.

Climbing running can use the slope function of treadmill or find a mountain road for practice.


The last one is that after the marathon, the muscles are particularly sore and can’t continue to exercise, but the mental state is better.

The feeling is progressive in turn.

Adhere to a normal work and rest time and have enough sleep is the best rest and recovery.

This will not only improve your running ability, but also avoid physical injury.

Half an hour after completing a longer distance or faster speed training, such as aerobic endurance running and short marathon pace running.

Persistence is perseverance, but knowing advance and retreat is wisdom..

Therefore, the effective running amount is to achieve the training effect as much as possible in a small amount of time according to the actual situation.


After low-intensity sprint, interval, lactate valve running and other speed training, the runner has no severe pain in joints, tendons and ligaments, and there is no sharp tingling in other parts of the body.

You need to arrange a certain total rest time every week and every month.

But in training and competition, sometimes acceleration and increasing distance are similar to the plan of increasing intensity, which will stimulate and discomfort the body.

Runners should know that our body tissues become stronger only after they are damaged.

After running high-intensity LSD and interval, in addition to the feeling of Article 3, there is also a low fever and drowsiness.

+ coach Wang VX: wangjiaolian789, note: running posture, join the running communication group, that is, receive the running posture video tutorial.

However, it should be noted that if the strength is not well controlled, resulting in physical injury and damage, you must stop and rest in time or go to the hospital for examination and recovery.


How to judge the effective amount of running with different intensity? Apart from professional runners, are there any other ways for ordinary runners to judge the effective amount of running under different intensities? The answer must be yes.

That time is so precious.

If you can always maintain an efficient running state, it will certainly bring great physical and mental changes.

Different types of runners can see what kind of situation they are “shot”.

Even your favorite running may be hard time, so you must make good use of every minute.

Don’t let us say goodbye to running forever because of this little negligence.

In addition to additional high-intensity LSD and speed training, you can arrange aerobic running for the next high-intensity run.

The body’s heat energy continues.

In fact, the premise of many running tips is that the physical quality is good enough.

Even if you stop running, it doesn’t matter if you don’t carry out movement training.

But as a runner, the effect that can be achieved in half an hour takes an hour or more.

If you can control the degree of physical injury and stimulation, you can better strengthen your muscles.

The stronger the physical quality, the greater the effect.


running beanie

You must try your best in every training and competition.

So whether we run for a while or for a lifetime, I believe all runners have the right choice.

If a runner’s heart rate often reaches more than 180 beats / min, or even 200 beats / min in many times.

Good thing recommendation 1 After aerobic fat reduction running, the feedback from the body is very comfortable, and the muscles and joints are sensitive.

Too much stimulating exercise may leave injuries and injuries.

That’s why it’s very difficult to go up and down the stairs for a few days after the horse race.

Most runners hope they can run farther and farther.

If your running state drops, try not to be brave.

In your spare time or running break, you can practice some actions to strengthen your core muscles, mainly hips, thighs, abdomen, and even shoulder and back.

Most ordinary runners can arrange LSD once a week, as well as speed practice or hill climbing.

However, with the rapid rise of achievements, potential safety hazards have been buried.

Run an effective amount of running.

Try to interval each run to ensure that the body has enough time to rest and recover.

Maybe most runners are the same, starting with great ambition and ending with renewed fighting spirit.

I can’t help sighing: “are you really old!”.


Although the temperature is not high, it still exists after nutrition supplement and washing.

Speed practice adopts interval running or several groups of 20-30 second sprint after aerobic running.

Runningassistant, the runner’s running micro assistant, has a lot of troubles recently: poor sleep, no appetite for food I can’t concentrate on one thing, including running.

Isn’t that a waste? After all, a healthy runner’s life is not just running, but also work and family.

Be sure to stretch after running.

Arrange to run three to four times a week, usually no more than five times.

If runners who keep running for a long time often run at the same speed and the same distance, and even participate in the race, their body tissue has adapted to the running amount of this intensity, and the improvement is very limited.


As a result, the effect of running for 60 minutes at ordinary times is similar to that of the previous 40 minutes.

Then you may suffer from exercise-induced heart failure and must be forced to rest.

By KingWay