Before sudden death, there are often the following signs: 1.

Long distance running is conducive to heart health, but it should be gradual.

Check the risk before exercise, conduct regular physical examination, especially cardiovascular system examination, and thoroughly check the potential disease threat.

6 don’t stop immediately after exercise.

When you are tired and stay up late, vigorous exercise is not recommended.

Severe pain, difficult to adhere to; 5.

Feel flustered, or feel the heart flutter, or even jump to the throat; 6.

If they go running at this time, the risk of sudden death will increase.

At the same time, you can’t take a bath, blow hair or use air conditioning immediately.

According to netizens’ video disclosure, recently, a sad scene occurred in Lu Xun Park, Hongkou District, Shanghai: a man suddenly stopped falling to the ground while running in Lu Xun Park, Hongkou District, Shanghai in the morning.

Three off-duty nurses happened to pass by and immediately carried out emergency rescue, which bought time for the first responders to arrive.

After rescue, the man once recovered his heartbeat, and then carried the man on a stretcher for further treatment; Unfortunately, although he was treated in time, the man finally died.

This is especially true before taking part in strenuous exercise or competition.

Running without drinking, drinking without running! Alcohol will dehydrate the body, increase the heart rate, increase the oxygen consumption of the myocardium, and increase the burden on the cardiovascular system.

Cardiogenic refers to the onset of cardiovascular disease, of which coronary heart disease is the most common.



Sudden death does not happen suddenly.

4 cold, excessive fatigue, do not run after drinking, some people think that running, sweating, cold will be fine naturally.

Hallucinations; 4.

Warm up generally accounts for 10% ~ 20% of the total exercise time.

The amount of exercise should not be too large.

“Sudden cardiac death” is the main form of exercise-induced sudden death.

Of course, we should also know that running is not the main cause of sudden death, and the hidden heart disease is the “behind the scenes” of sudden death in marathon running.

Especially for beginners, it is recommended to start with a combination of fast walking or runners.

More than 90% of the causes of sudden death from running are heart problems: sudden death can be divided into cardiogenic and non cardiogenic.

Non cardiogenic factors include overwork, alcoholism, taking drugs, strenuous exercise and so on.

We remain neutral on the opinions in the article and only share them with runners for reference and exchange.

Dizziness, blurred vision, unable to see clearly; 3.

If we feel unwell, we must stop in time.

If you like it, don’t forget to watch it..

Don’t forget that the original intention of running is to be healthy.

The body is your own.

Pay attention to the wechat of Jilin running group and enjoy a healthy and beautiful life.

Jilin running group pays close attention to Jilin running group’s wechat all the way and enjoys a healthy and beautiful life.

Warm up before exercise can allow as much blood to flow to the heart, lungs and muscles as possible, and improve the metabolic capacity of the heart and lungs, so as to ensure that the human energy metabolism can meet the needs of exercise after entering high-intensity exercise.

People who often stay up late will have a significantly accelerated heartbeat and cause arrhythmia.

And the day after drinking, the negative effect of hangover on exercise ability continued.

It’s best to walk for 10 ~ 20 minutes and take a deep breath at the same time to give the body a buffer time.


Feel the physical changes and stop running in time.


Don’t stop immediately after exercise.

The annual news about sudden death from running is not uncommon.

Nausea and vomiting; Pale complexion; In the process of running, we should always pay attention to our body’s reaction.

If it invades the myocardium, it will form viral myocarditis.

Ensure adequate warm-up.

Always listen to your body and don’t compete with yourself by running.

Sudden and obvious discomfort in the precordial area, such as pain, crush feeling, etc; 7.

Can cooperate to do some static stretching actions, such as lunge leg pressing, side leg pressing, etc.

In addition, the following conditions will also increase the risk of sudden death from running: high temperature, low temperature and high humidity are easy to induce sudden death from exercise; Drinking too much water will lead to too little blood sodium, and there will also be the risk of sudden death; Unscientific training and neglect of physical reaction in the process of running; Run when you are overtired; Run after drinking wine; Running with a cold Here, I still want to remind you to run safely and keep the alarm ringing.

Lose the ability to distinguish between southeast and northwest; 2.

However, due to the sharp rise in temperature, the possible risks of running have also increased significantly, especially many people restart running after resting for a whole winter.

Since March, the temperature has risen rapidly all over the country, and the temperature in many places has exceeded 30 degrees, making many running friends switch from winter training mode to summer training mode in an instant.

Cold sweat and weak sweat; 8.

In fact, on the contrary, because cold and Fever reduce the immune capacity of the body, exercise will further accelerate the decline of immunity, and the virus is easy to invade.

running waist packs

By KingWay