Pay attention to the wechat of Jilin running group to enjoy a healthy and beautiful life.

Strong core muscles can improve body agility and efficiency, and maintain body balance when the body leans forward slightly.

The waist and abdomen is indeed the most difficult part of the body to reduce, and it is also the last defense line of fat.

Runners may as well take these actions as a new method of core training to improve the training effect and fun, and create a stronger core strength.

Let me share with you the most complete dynamic diagram of unarmed abdominal muscle training.

As a result, the swing arm amplitude and stride are very small, and it will be very difficult to adjust.

However, if you just want to run out of your abs through running, one possible situation is that you can have ABS, but your body will appear very thin, and there will be no concave convex effect.

During running, with the swing of legs and upper limbs, take the waist and abdomen as the core.

It is said that one of 100 talents has developed abdominal muscles! It can be seen that the waist and abdomen is the most difficult part of the whole body and the last line of defense of fat.

Source “run”! We remain neutral on the opinions in the article and only share them with runners for reference and exchange.

In this way, the upper and lower limbs can cooperate subtly to maintain balance.

The strong core plays a stable and supporting role in body posture control and special movements in running.

The core is weak, so it is difficult to keep your head held high during running, and the upper body is easier to collapse forward.

Because in the process of running, it is required to improve the body’s center of gravity, tighten the waist and abdomen, and maintain moderate tension.

In fact, no matter men or women, everyone has abdominal muscle and can’t see it.

Each time the feet fall to the ground and exchange, the left and right shaking of the body will be more obvious, and the left and right bending range of the spine will be greater.

People with good core strength always keep their trunk stable when running, which greatly improves the running efficiency.

In addition to effectively reducing fat, running can also exercise abdominal muscles to a certain extent.

It’s not difficult for you to find that the abdominal muscles of people who really run a lot are not very obvious.

Simple supine alternate heel contact supine knee lift leg lateral lie leg roll belly supine core roll belly supine diagonal alternate knee roll belly roll flat plate support action reverse roll belly supine stretch roll belly supine bend knees roll belly medium medium difficulty supine hip lift sitting position twist waist in the air pedal supine alternate hand roll belly touch knee roll body supine leg lift mountaineering (left and right interchanges) Side lying oblique abdominis abdominal curling plate support leg lifting Russian swivel supine alternating leg lifting supine alternating leg swing side plate support supine straight leg abdominal curling touch foot abdominal supine knee curling abdominal supine tightening abdominal curling hard difficulty supine knee flexion lift hip supine hip lift kick dolphin swimming knee flexion leg lifting plate alternating hand reaching leg lifting side flexion leg lifting side support leg lifting prone two head up side flexion hand lifting and when we practiced The charming abdominal muscles can not only be used for watching, but also bring many changes conducive to running, because these are also classic core training actions, and the core is the key to the upright posture and strength transmission during running.

In this process, the strong lumbar and abdominal muscles play an important role in supporting the upper and lower limbs and connecting the preceding and the following.

I have to say that men are handsome if they lose beer belly and practice 8 abdominal muscles through exercise.

running shin sleeves

Therefore, at this time, we must strengthen your core strength and carry out regular core training.

This requires a series of special abdominal muscle exercises, and this process is also quite difficult.

The strong core muscle group plays a stable and supporting role in the body posture during running.

Jilin running group pays close attention to Jilin running group’s wechat all the way and enjoys a healthy and beautiful life.

The main power of running comes from the lower limbs, but almost all sports need enough core strength.

Running, as a systemic exercise, can exercise the muscles of the whole body in the process of exercise.

Generally speaking, when the body fat rate is 10% or less, the abdominal muscles can be shown.

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When we step out of the left foot, it will cause the trunk to rotate to the right with the left foot, which must be accompanied by the forward swing of the right hand to balance the rotating torque to the right.

If you don’t reduce the fat outside the abdominal muscles through aerobic exercise and reduce the body fat rate, you will never see eight abdominal muscles.

Fellow runners, are your abs out yet? If so, send a picture to have a look.

Therefore, running can appropriately strengthen the abdominal muscles, which can make the runner have a preliminary muscle shape, but it is still far from reaching the level of very developed abdominal muscles.

It’s just because it’s hidden under thick fat, so reducing body fat and taking off the coat for the abdominal muscle is the key to exposing the abdominal muscle.

Whether it is a strong leg kick and swing, or a stable arm swing of the upper limb, we need to take the core muscle group as the support point of the upper and lower limbs.

Some netizens shared five pictures of men’s transformation from beer belly to 8 abdominal muscles, and said with words: “do you think many people have a much higher appearance after losing weight?” please see the figure below: the changes of these pictures can be said to be quite inspirational.

However, it is conceivable that this process is also quite arduous and requires great efforts.

By KingWay