Improve neurocognitive function.

Although he runs very fast, his face is covered with wind and frost, and he is old and fast; Healthy exercise is moderate and moderate exercise to obtain a healthy and moderate living state.

The body’s antioxidant capacity is completely unable to cope with excessive oxidation caused by excessive aerobic.

Increase the ability of red blood cells in the blood to carry oxygen.

Other studies have shown that aerobic training may lead to the reduction of strength level, but strength training will not reduce aerobic ability.

In addition, the cortisol level of endurance athletes will also increase.

Interestingly, resistance training has been shown to be effective against high levels of oxidative stress.

Not to mention the fact that excessive muscle consumption in running leads to a decrease in the basic metabolic rate, which leads to more weight loss.


Reduce resting systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and average arterial pressure.

For long-lasting, high-frequency and low-intensity cardiovascular adaptive training (aerobic training), if you don’t want to participate in endurance competition, I suggest you can give it up.


(1) In the past 35 years, the increase of mortality in marathon and triathlon mainly comes from sudden cardiac death (SCD).



Excessive running is far more harmful than beneficial to the body.

This is nothing more than the impact of body shape, and there are deeper hazards that you may not know.

From many people who often participate in competitions or over training, we can easily see the disadvantages of over training: those famous athletes basically end their sports life or get injured early; After retirement, he was full of injuries.

It takes a lot of energy to consume, so as to lose weight.

The contents of troponin, creatine kinase and B-type natriuretic peptide in endurance training center are greatly increased, as well as elevated urea nitrogen, blood creatinine and cystatin, which will cause damage to renal function.


Increase the content of mitochondria.




Improve myocardial function, increase stroke output collectively, reduce resting heart rate, and maintain cardiac output at the same time.

In addition, it should not be used as a single way to address health needs or lead to improved body composition and exercise performance.

We are always positive, always full of tears, always full of love and always open…

This is definitely not alarmist.

In the running world, there are few topics as extreme as running training, which will be held to the altar and thrown into hell.




running waist packs


There is no need to compare.

(2) In the research of marathon runners, the increase of oxidative stress level is another important factor leading to harm.

Increase the activity of monocytes, leading to myocardial fibrosis.


Proper running exercise will bring the following benefits: 1.

This damage can be exacerbated if there is insufficient nutrition and rest.

The life that suits you is the best life.

The elevated level of oxidative stress will lead to the repeated occurrence of chronic inflammation and damage the activity of ATP, which will reduce the absorption of calcium ions by sarcoplasmic reticulum and reduce the ability of muscle contraction.

But everything is a double-edged sword.

The enlarged capillary structure optimizes the transport of oxygen.

Everyone has his own strengths; There is no need to imitate the freedom of wind and the tenderness of clouds.

Running seems to be a prescription for cardiovascular disease.

The massive loss of raw materials deposited on the arterial wall leads to the loss of elasticity of the artery, which increases the risk of atherosclerosis.

Everyone has his own personality.

Mountains have the height of mountains and water has the depth of water.

Increase the value of maximum cardiac output and stroke output.

Proper running is an indisputable recommendation in preventing weight gain and underexercise diseases.

Some studies have shown that the increase of cortisol will reduce the secretion of endogenous hormones, especially testosterone.


A large number of free radicals produced in aerobic training will damage the wall of arterial cells.


And those who don’t know moderation look very old.

Reduce total cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol.

By KingWay