If the immunity is low, various diseases will frequently “come to the door”.

One serving of orange and dark green fruits and vegetables per day.

Vitamin C can reduce the interference of the outside world on the balance of human cells, promote the formation of antibodies and maintain normal immunity.

Massage the lower abdomen.


It should not be done when you are too hungry or too full.

When you wake up in the morning or before going to bed at night, put your hands on the belly button of your abdomen, press it clockwise for 64 weeks, and then press it counterclockwise for 64 weeks to penetrate the force under the skin without too much force.

Eat more of these five “1s” to strengthen immunity.

Everyone knows the importance of a red meat protein every day to immunity.

Fruits rich in vitamin C include kiwi fruit, strawberry, papaya, orange and other antioxidant substances.

running elastic headwear

It is good for your health to eat some properly every day.

That’s all for today.

It is a time-saving aerobic exercise.

One bowl of coarse grain porridge every day can be boiled together with oats, millet, corn, black rice and various miscellaneous beans, because coarse grains retain more dietary fiber in grains B vitamins and minerals can help the human body maintain the health of cell mucous membrane and produce antibodies to improve immune function.

In fact, these four interesting sports can improve immunity at home, and the effect is no worse than running and swimming! 1.

Carrots, pumpkins, spinach, mustard, broccoli and other orange and dark green fruits and vegetables are rich in β- Carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body.

Stepping on soybeans is just the size of soybeans, which can gently stimulate acupoints, promote metabolism, detoxify and burn fat.

When singing, the brain will secrete anti stress hormones to make the body and mind happy, which is very helpful to fight cancer.

In the long run, it can also strengthen the brain and improve memory.

Squatting in terms of exercise time, squatting calmly for 5 minutes may be equivalent to walking for 1 hour, which is equivalent to kneeling for 20 minutes.

Patients should decide whether to do it according to their physique and knee condition.

But now it’s too cold and I don’t want to go out for exercise.

If the immunity is high, it is not easy to get sick.


However, squatting requires high physical coordination ability.

After finishing, drink a small cup of warm water, the effect will be better.

One kind of high-dimensional C fruit every day.

While watching TV, we can step on it with bare feet for 1 ~ 2 minutes, which can eliminate toxins and treat insomnia and dreaminess.

The fungus polysaccharide rich in a fungus food every day helps to improve the ability of human macrophages to swallow bacteria, so as to help improve immunity.

Secondly, singing is actually a kind of mental work.

The immune system is the “guard” of our human body.

However, it should be noted that the elderly with grade 3 hypertension or hypertension should not do it.

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Beef, pork, mutton and other red meats are rich in high-quality protein and iron.

By KingWay