Alternate training on both sides-.

Slowly lower the upper body back to the starting position, lift one leg for 10 to 15 repetitions, and then change to the opposite side.

After staying for 1 second and tightening and flexing the abdominal muscles, slowly lower the upper and lower body back to the starting position.


Quickly lift your legs, straighten them in the air, and raise your hands above your head to touch your legs.

In this case, abdominal muscle training needs to be strengthened.

Lift the right leg and left arm in the same way.

Extend the left arm down and around the body until the palm of the left hand touches the right oblique abdominis and lower back area.

Keep the posture of the right arm unchanged, abduct the left arm, and only turn the left arm outward to the body side at a right angle.

The higher you lift, the better.

in a push up position, with the participation of core muscles, don’t let your hips sag or lift too high.

What is the core strength? The core is the body area composed of muscles and joints in the abdomen, waist, pelvis and hip.

Only by sticking to them can they have effect.

Core strength refers to the ability of deep and shallow muscles attached to the core of the human body to work together.

Lean your chest towards your knees in the air at right angles, but don’t move your legs.

Alternate Superman A.

calf sleeves running

In this way, the strength generated by the upper and lower limbs will be unnecessarily consumed by the soft and weak core, which greatly reduces the efficiency of running.

Lift your left leg off the ground and lift your right arm.

After a short stay, the left leg returns to the starting position.


Core strength is so important to running, so we should add some targeted training actions in addition to running, so as to improve our running efficiency.

Poor core strength will lead to wrong running posture and backward running.

lie on your back and lift your arms, legs, upper back and head off the ground to maintain abdominal strength.

When running, people with good core strength keep their trunk stable despite the high frequency of upper limb arm swing and lower limb leg swing.

lie on your back, one leg is lifted 90 degrees, the other leg is extended outward, about 5cm away from the ground, put your hands on both sides of your head, and lift your upper back and head off the ground.

Put your feet on top of each other and keep your left arm straight up.

Repeat on the other side, alternating sides.

Running with pouted buttocks some runners will run with pouted buttocks because their core strength is weak, which indicates that the pelvis has tilted forward, and more lower abdominal muscle training is needed, because the main function of the lower abdominal muscle is to complete the backward movement of the pelvis, so as to resist the forward tilt of the pelvis.


lie on your stomach, extend your arms and legs outward, lift your hands and legs off the ground, and begin to apply force to the muscles behind your body.

Slowly return the left arm to its starting position.

Push your hips off the ground, with only the right forearm and right foot and ankle in contact with the ground.

People with insufficient core strength will twist their trunk and swing their pelvis up and down.

Don’t raise your head.


in a flat support position, keep your feet separated no more than the width of your hips.

After holding for a period of time, lower the right arm and left leg to the starting position in a controlled manner.


Flat support abduction A.

Brazilian curl A.

You know what? Running also needs enough core strength! Whether it is a strong leg kick and swing, or a stable arm swing of the upper limb, we need to take the core muscle group as the support point of the upper and lower limbs.

Backward running is due to insufficient strength of upper abdominal muscles.

lie on the right side and put the right elbow directly under the right shoulder.


Lift the left leg off the ground and move the knee under the chest to the opposite right elbow.

The function of the upper abdominal muscle is to bend the trunk forward.

If the strength of the front and rear sides of the trunk is unbalanced and the front side is too weak, the trunk is easy to lean back.


The following actions are recommended to you.



Alternate on both sides.

The right leg touches directly above the left elbow.

When running, the muscles on both sides of the pelvis are not stable, which often leads to the problem of twisting the muscles on both sides of the pelvis during running.

Retract the left arm around the body, return to the starting position, repeat the specified number of repetitions, and change the other side.

By KingWay