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Sudden death from running is mostly due to overload exercise, resulting in cardiac ischemia.

on June 13, a 36-year-old man on the runway of Jinan Olympic Sports Center suddenly fainted while running in the morning.

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This solar term symbolizes that the temperature has warmed up and everything in the world has begun to become vibrant.

Although this kind of food can satisfy cravings, long-term intake of this kind of food is not conducive to human health.

In the twinkling of an eye, we have finished the New Year holiday and Spring Festival, and just sent off one of the 24 solar terms – rain.

Especially in hot weather, it must be lower than the expected value and exercise intensity, because hot weather itself is not suitable for exercise.

Especially those who are ill should get the permission of the doctor.

The third thing: reduce the intensity of training.

Please rest assured to pay attention.

So how can I become a qualified runner? Here are five things you should pay special attention to when running.

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Especially after entering the summer, there are more and more sudden deaths from running all over the country.

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For people with a history of heart disease and heart problems, it is not suitable to take part in strenuous exercise, and most people who die suddenly because of running have nothing to do with heart problems.

All right, cut the crap.

I hope friends can pay attention to their health, especially running.

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I hope the friends who read this article can correctly understand the importance of running.

Therefore, for people who like running, it is very important to do a good job of cardiopulmonary function examination at ordinary times.

They eat a lot of greasy and high-fat food.

Second thing: do what you can.

In their hometown, everyone can’t live without big fish and meat.

36 year old civil servant morning running “sudden death”, running five small things had better not be ignored! First thing: judge your physical condition.

When eating, you can’t indulge your temper, indulge in your mouth, only eat delicious food and ignore the intake of nutrition.

Although it can strengthen the body, it needs to be different in different environments.

The fourth thing: scientific jogging, especially for older people, it’s best to carry a heart rate meter and other psychological devices when running, so as to control their amount of exercise.

During the Chinese new year, everyone basically went back to their hometown.

It is understood that this young man has just turned 36 and is still a national civil servant, which makes many people feel very sorry.

He died after being taken to the hospital by well intentioned people around him.

Early spring is also a season suitable for health preservation.

Running has become a dangerous thing after the temperature rises.

Therefore, in order to have balanced nutrition and healthy body, everyone should eat more healthy food! The above is our share today.

Therefore, when choosing the conditions suitable for running, we must do what we can.

At the same time, we must adhere to step by step and exercise within the range that our body can bear.

Finally, thank you for reading.

If you want to run, you should first determine whether your physical condition is suitable.

Everyone should eat more healthy food, green vegetables and fruits, which can not be ignored.

Let’s take a look at today’s consultation! At about 6 a.m.

Balanced nutritional intake can ensure a healthy physique, adhere to reasonable eating habits, maintain healthy and good work and rest habits, and keep everyone away from various diseases.

Fifth, have a proper rest.

In the process of running, be sure to set aside appropriate rest time.

If the expectation is set higher, the body will be overloaded and more prone to problems.

By KingWay