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Walking at night has a more soothing intensity, higher safety and wider adaptability to the crowd than running.

Even if they don’t have time to eat after getting up in the morning, they will put on their clothes and go to work after washing in a hurry.

It’s better to rely on ourselves than anyone else.

When it comes to the health preservation methods of sports, many people are used to running in the morning after getting up in the morning.

Running for half an hour after getting up in the morning can accelerate fat burning.

However, some people can’t get up in the morning.

Especially after getting up in the morning, the air is particularly fresh, which will make people energetic and exercise cardiopulmonary function.

Running for half an hour in the morning in today’s life, many people prefer to sleep in.

At this time, going out for morning running can effectively promote the blood circulation of the whole body.

It also has a certain auxiliary effect on the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

Of course, everyone has different ideas and practices, so they choose different health preservation methods.

After running, they can go back to take a shower and have a rest, which can help improve the quality of sleep.

Everyone is paying attention to the flow of water.

There are also some people who like to maintain their health through exercise.

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They feel that at this time, it is dawn and the sun has not yet risen.

Nowadays, people no longer make money in order to make money and overdraw their bodies.

Taking a walk for an hour every night can also consume energy and play a certain fitness effect.

At the same time, it can also accelerate the metabolic efficiency of the body and help eliminate more toxins and garbage in the body.

04 health tips in our daily life, we all pay special attention to health preservation.

What are the differences between these two different ways of exercise? Is it better to run for half an hour in the morning or walk for an hour in the evening? Maybe everyone has different ideas.

For people who want to lose weight, running will be more appropriate.

Although their sleep time is reduced, they exercise.

Let’s learn about it today.

According to relevant investigation and research, the clinical pathogenesis is a series of clinical lesions caused by the reduction of metabolic level due to the lack of exercise cells in the strong phase.

For people with weak physical constitution, walking at night is more conducive to the operation of lung function in the body than running in the morning.

Although the ways of maintaining health are different, they can bring certain effects to their health in the end.

We should choose according to our personal actual situation, not generalize.

They think this can relieve their body and mind, as well as the fatigue and pressure of the day.

This is a very good living habit.

After getting up in the morning, our body is in a stage of awakening.

Walking is more suitable for middle-aged and elderly people and people with poor physical quality.

As long as we have a healthy body, we can enjoy a better life.

Please rest assured to pay attention! Introduction: I don’t know if you have found that there are fewer and fewer colleagues around you trying to make money, because now we are no longer short of food and clothing.

We can’t say which is good or which is bad, because the exercise intensity suitable for everyone is different, so their exercise methods are also different.

If you want to be healthy, it is more important to master the amount of exercise that is suitable for you and do not exceed a reasonable range, so as to be more conducive to your health.

They will choose to take a walk in the park or around the community after having a rest for half an hour after dinner.

It can also enhance the vitality of lung peristalsis and exhale excess metabolic lipid toxoids and bacteria.

But we all know what is the most important.

Long term lack of exercise, the body’s cells will hinder the body’s metabolic function and respiratory operation, and there is no way to complete the performance of breathing with external nutrients and fresh oxygen.

02 take a walk for one hour in the evening.

Regular physical examination can not only confirm the disease as soon as possible, but also strangle the disease in the cradle..

Improve the body’s immune activity and metabolic hormone level, help the liver excrete excess sugar and maintain normal metabolic organs.

The difference between the two is that one exercise intensity is more intense and the other exercise intensity is more soothing.

They will get up early and wear sportswear to the park or run on the playground.

Walking at night can also move joints, so that bones, muscles and joints can get the normal exercise effect.

If we want to avoid “knocking” by various diseases, in addition to reasonable exercise, there are some small details that deserve our attention: regular physical examination: early detection and early treatment are conducive to our health.

Our bodies generally have some substantive deception, The symptoms are easily confused with some common problems, so it is easy to delay the treatment of the disease at this time.

For a long time, it can help effectively lose weight, and running is a very intense sport, which can also bear the pressure for young people.

But some people are more self disciplined.

Running with the moonlight can not only breathe more fresh air, but also help improve their vital capacity, make their heart more comfortable and bring benefits to their health.

When they are tired, they will choose to take a day off.

03 what’s the difference between running for half an hour in the morning and walking for an hour in the evening? Doctors tell the truth.

The reason why we go to work is to bring ourselves a better life.

Instead, they begin to pay more attention to health preservation.

Some people will maintain their health by regulating their diet.

Generally speaking, walking and running have their own benefits, as well as their own afterwards groups.

By KingWay