The abdominal muscles are fully utilized to promote metabolism and strengthen the abdominal muscles at the same time.

Therefore, singing is actually a kind of mental work.

Practice once a day and practice will make perfect.

It increases the metabolism of the body, promotes the metabolism of the body, improves the function of the heart and brain vessels, and reduces the possibility of hypertension, heart disease and diabetes.

Remember to use the “abdominal breathing method”.

In addition, when singing, exercise the abdominal muscles with abdominal breathing can also stimulate the peristalsis of the large intestine.

3 enhance memory.

6 relax and relax.

5 prevention of disease, often singing, but also to consume a certain amount of heat.

The correct singing method is not to shout with the throat.

2 when using the abdominal muscles to close the abdomen and sing, the basic breathing method is abdominal breathing.

Improve the body’s immunity.

It’s better not to drink hot tea or practice.

If you have the trouble of chronic constipation, you’d better sing more.

Being able to do this will greatly improve the effect of weight loss.

Many professional singers live more than 10 years longer than ordinary people.

It’s easy to find me.

In this way, it will not only fail to achieve the effect, but also damage the throat and form polyps, resulting in the opposite effect.

Good looking and sharing are encouragement to me.

Such a loose and tight cycle can stimulate the autonomic nerve and relieve the body and mind.

Because you should pay attention when singing, all kinds of depression will be completely left behind, immersed in the beautiful artistic conception of the song, and enjoy the artistic beauty brought by music, so as to get rid of psychological constraints and make yourself feel relaxed and happy.

But as long as you sing loudly, you will feel much more relaxed in a moment.

Therefore, a good way to exercise.

Focus and collect.

Breathing during the singing the new supersedes the old.

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singing can also change people’s blood composition and help improve human immunity.

Singing often, which can also prevent and treat diseases.

When singing, you can also bring yourself into the scene of the song, pour out your heart and express your emotions by singing.

It is difficult to remember clearly if you don’t pay attention.

When singing, people will become nervous, but after singing a song, the singer will immediately relax.

In addition, pay attention to drinking hot tea.

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Research has confirmed that singing is a kind of exercise of respiratory muscles under specific conditions, which is no less beneficial than running, swimming, boating, etc.

It is said that it can relieve the pressure leading to constipation and activate the autonomic nerve that governs the peristalsis of the large intestine.

Remember to see the ups and downs of your abdomen, Make sure you use abdominal breathing.

In addition, when abdominal breathing is used, the activity of diaphragm can regulate the inhalation and exhalation of air and increase lung volume.

Imagine that you are the master of the song and sing without emotion.

When you are depressed, you can’t relieve depression.

More highlights click on the business card above to pay attention to more highlights click on the business card above to pay attention to more highlights click on the business card above to pay attention to click on the bottom“.

It is said that some medical experts have tested that when singing, especially when singing their favorite songs, the brain will generate and release brain hormones similar to morphine, promote and stimulate the increase of immunoglobulin and anti stress hormones, so as to make the brain and body feel relaxed and happy and increase the body’s immune function.

Due to the habit of repeating the memory of lyrics, singing can also strengthen the brain and improve memory in the long run.

4 improve constipation and skin condition.

May as well practice the singing method taught to you: abdominal breathing “abdominal breathing” is the basic skill of singing, which is quite easy to practice.

When singing with correct singing posture, you should stand rather than sit.

What are the benefits of singing? 1.

You can also practice it yourself at home: first lie on your back on the ground or bed, put objects weighing one to two kilograms on your abdomen, such as books or phone books, maintain this posture and sing a song.

There are thousands of old songs and new songs, and the lyrics are rich in content.

To search, recover and reproduce the content related to songs from hundreds of millions of information in your mind, your brain must really run at a high speed.

Your legs should be separated by the same width as your shoulders and keep your body balanced.

By KingWay