These methods only reduce pain, but deep muscle damage and reduced function continue.

Therefore, we should scientifically do the strength training of running through the comparison of right and wrong movements.

Therefore, the two legs do different actions.

It is not a real sports injury, but a normal reaction to not adapting to sports.

For example, such exercises as lunge squat jump, which mainly focus on asymmetric and alternating strength of lower limbs.

12-15 times in each group, 60 seconds rest between groups, target training 3 groups of actions 3 / lunge leg lifting and forward jump effect: key points of improving hip and leg explosive force: stride both legs forward and backward, put your hands in a running posture with your legs, force your rear legs, step forward to form a fixed frame posture of high leg lifting, and wave your hands naturally; The enhanced version of the exercise is “lunge forward jump”, which can train the explosive power of supporting leg kicking and swinging, and it is a special strength training action combined with running.

👇 Current coach 👇 [why do we need to compare the right and wrong actions?] Four benefits of strength training for running: improving speed, improving running efficiency, avoiding pain and promoting pain recovery.

running sling bag

Why didn’t my running performance improve and my knee pain recover? At this time, we need to ask ourselves: am I training correctly? Wrong movements can not only exercise muscles, improve performance and prevent injuries, but also lead to the increase of joint pressure, but also aggravate some injuries.

12-15 times in each group, 60 seconds rest between groups, target training 3 groups, action 2 / standing posture, leg back swing out effect: improve the endurance of hip and leg muscles.

Exercise every day, give you health! Today is the 2591 day that binshao serves you.

6-8 times for each group, 60 seconds rest between groups, 3 groups of health tips for target training [scientific running, long-distance running] [ask] how to confirm the “delayed muscle soreness” after running? [required answer] delayed muscle soreness is experienced by almost all runners who have participated in whole horse or half horse races.

Key points: put your hands on your hips, stand on one leg, swing the other leg back and out about 45 degrees, swing upward until your hips are completely tightened, stop for a while, and then restore the action.

The basic action mode is the same, but one leg standing needs semi squat.

The best way to prevent delayed muscle soreness is to run step by step to give the muscles time to adapt to the increased load, but it is unlikely to completely avoid the pain.

Key points: keep one leg semi squatting stable, push the other leg backward and outward, keep the trunk and pelvis upright, and keep the waist and back straight.

But: pain relief does not mean recovery.

It has nothing to do with sports injury.

[question] can “delayed muscle soreness” be completely avoided? [required answer] there is little evidence that there is a treatment for delayed muscle soreness caused by excessive load exercise that can accelerate the body’s repair and return to normal function.

However, if the main purpose is to reduce the symptoms of muscle soreness, ice compress, massage, acupuncture and oral painkillers may help alleviate the pain.

Day3: leg muscle endurance action 1 / abduction error after half squat ❌ √ correct action effect: improve the endurance of hip and leg muscles.

The basic action of running is that one leg kicks on the ground and the other leg strides forward.

This muscle soreness does not occur on the day of the end of the game.

The characteristic of this kind of pain is that there is no pain when the body is still, and once you start to move, especially the part where the pain occurs, it will be unbearable.

Usually, after sleeping all night, there is a very obvious muscle reaction.

Keep the trunk and pelvis stable.

It is relatively more difficult to join the strength and stability training of the other leg.

The advanced action is “one leg semi squat and leg back swing”.

[question] is “delayed muscle soreness” an injury caused by exercise? [required answer] delayed muscle soreness is mainly caused by the amount of exercise that exceeds the normal level or the exercise you are not used to.

Runners need strength training highly combined with running movements.

The training of whole body coordination and strength is the special strength that runners need.

For intermediate runners with a certain foundation, they can upgrade from basic strength training to special strength training, which can help intermediate runners improve their special strength of lower limbs.

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Even without any treatment, the soreness will subside naturally after a few days and will not cause too many adverse effects on the human body.

Some runners may have questions: I also practice strength.

By KingWay