I don’t care so much about many pressures and troubles in life.

Generally, we see that girls who can dance have good temperament, and their legs are super straight.

People who often run have better physical fitness.

After running for a long time, your vital capacity will also be improved.

This is one of the most basic benefits of running, because when running, your blood circulation speed will increase, increase your intake of oxygen, improve your immunity, and make your body better.

Because running will perspire, when the body perspires, some impurities under the skin will also be eliminated, which will clean the pores of the skin and make the skin look more crystal, bright and shiny.

Many people are full of confidence at the beginning of running.

After you’ve been running for a long time, you will also exude a sunny sportsmanship from the inside out, making you look more gentle and energetic.

After the two arms are ready to start the posture, raise the elbow joint of the rear swing arm as high as possible, and then relax the front swing.

It is a sport for all ages.

Not many TV dramas say that if you are in a bad mood, go to the playground for a walk, and your mood will become better.

Fingers, wrists and arms should be relaxed, and the angle of elbow joint should be about 90 degrees.

Relax your shoulders and avoid your chest.

Lift your elbows and swing your arms.

But we need to master the right running skills in order to get more benefits.

Some people run too fast and fail in the end.

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Now, especially some middle-aged and elderly people, mostly run to strengthen their bodies.

The swing arm should move back and forth with the shoulder as the axis, and the range of left and right movement should not exceed the center line of the body.

During running, you will focus a lot of attention on running and the surrounding scenery.

Benefit 3: improve your mood, let you forget your troubles and be more happy.

Benefit 2: improve the skin and make it look better.

Sometimes I wonder why running is so popular? Until I knew its benefits, I couldn’t help sighing that running is really worthy of being a fan of sports.

People can consume a lot of energy through running, so as to achieve the purpose of fitness.

Correct posture and essentials of running # correct running posture: look up at the front, naturally relax your shoulders, stand upright on your back, hold your chest, hold your fist, swing your arms naturally 90 degrees, breathe regularly, breathe one step at a time, breathe two steps at a time, breathe three steps at a time, and breathe three steps at a time to maximize the effect of running steps.

Later, as I grew older, I really thought it was a truth.

As the motion accelerates, it rises higher and higher.

According to their physical condition, they can jog first, then gradually accelerate in the first few minutes of running, and finally stop jogging.

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I always didn’t believe it before.

Sometimes you need to keep one breath for a long time during running, and you need to use your nose and mouth together, but you must pay attention to the rhythm.

Essentials of running: keep the head and shoulders stable.

Running is still very important to exercise vital capacity, because it is difficult to exhale during running, so you need to make appropriate self-adjustment.

When you want to climb the fifth floor in one breath, you won’t breathe much! Benefit 5: the last one is temperament, especially for girls.

It’s really excellent! Let’s share the benefits, effects and functions of running and the correct posture of running! Benefits and effects of running 1.

I slowly forget them and just enjoy the pleasure of running.

Running can also improve the skin, which is estimated to be unknown to many people.

Control your running speed.

Benefits: strengthen the body and improve immunity.

Keep your head straight ahead.

Benefit 4: improve vital capacity.

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Exercise requires patience.

Unless the road is uneven, don’t lean forward and keep your eyes on the front.

Every day, it is a healthy exercise program to promote health.

By KingWay