You can only rest when you have no time.

Many people like running.

It is recommended to run after sunset or at night to avoid high temperature, reduce the exercise pace and reduce oxygen consumption.

While running, they watch the growth of young leaves, as if they have been reborn.

The air in the morning is cool and not muggy at all.

Reference: [1] when is the most scientific time to run in spring? Which running posture is the healthiest? Listen to the opinions of orthopedic doctors of Peking University People’s Hospital · Sanlian Life Weekly.

In the final analysis, most running still needs to consider the time arrangement.

Running at 10 o’clock or 15 o’clock is more appropriate.

The morning running has good weight loss effect, and the brain is relatively clear.

In the afternoon, the muscle, spirit and physical strength are relatively good.

It is suitable for young people and the elderly.

The most important thing is to have perseverance and stick to it all the time.

It can also exercise cold resistance and physical strength, which is beneficial to cardiopulmonary function.

Make up water and have a proper rest.

Some people are used to running in the morning, some say they are free at night, and a few people have a unique plan to run after lunch break.

[autumn] morning running is more suitable than night running, because the summer heat in autumn has not completely disappeared, and it is still necessary to prevent heat poisoning from hurting the body.

health times.

However, if it rains and snows, the running plan will be disrupted.

People who are usually lazy, afraid of hardship and fatigue can choose this time, which is not easy to fatigue.

In late autumn night running, we should pay attention to cold prevention and try to end the exercise before 9 p.m.

First of all, due to the different temperatures in the four seasons, the running time should be adjusted slightly [spring].

At this time, the sun is better, which can make the scenery catch the sun, which is easy to produce a sense of happiness and stay away from depression and depression.

Sometimes they ask three or five friends to run together before running.

It is suitable for obese people and office workers.

2020-03-18 [2] can only run at night on hot and humid yellow plum days? In fact, the best time for running is at the turn of day and night.

We should arrange sports according to our occupation, life, work and rest, and then adjust it in combination with the season, physical and other actual conditions.

After running, we should eat a nutritious breakfast and don’t worry about getting fat.

However, the temperature in spring is not very stable, and it is very cold in the morning and evening.

Running and fitness are perfect.

As long as they can run at any time when they are free, there is no need to tangle.

After the baptism of the severe cold, the warm wind blows and everything recovers, people also have more passion for running.

You can only run when you have time.

Therefore, it is recommended that you arrange the time at 4-5 PM.

Parks, playgrounds, lakeside Avenue and any place suitable for running can be used.

[winter] running in cold season helps to consume fat and maintain body shape.

Secondly, running may also be affected indoors or outdoors.

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Moreover, you don’t have to rush to work at night and can be more involved in sports.

However, the hot weather should be appropriately delayed for one or two hours, and pay attention to sunscreen and replenishment.

If you stick to the rule of squeezing for a long time, it will always have a good effect on your body.

If you stick to the rule of squeezing for a long time, it will always have a good effect on your body.

As long as we feel comfortable, everything is the healthiest.

At this time, it is recommended to do some indoor sports instead of relaxing.

Night running is beneficial to sleep and relieve stress.

October 09, 2021 [4]? Night running? When is the best time to run? Many people have run wrong The official account of the official account of the health times.2018-10-09, the most famous card AI TRKTKRTKR, has been banned..

Be careful of the invasion of wind and cold.

As a result, they make it difficult to invite.

In addition, when choosing the running time, we should consider the physical condition.

Next, let’s talk about three aspects respectively, which can be adjusted according to your actual situation.

However, you should pay attention to the length of exercise, which should not exceed 22 o’clock, otherwise it may affect sleep.

to prevent excessive consumption of Yang Qi from affecting sleep.

There are more interesting people running outdoors.

It is not suitable to run too early or too late.

Surging news.

Some people have a treadmill, which is not affected by season and temperature.

[Summer] running in summer can train the human body’s heat resistance, but at the same time, heatstroke should be prevented.

Because the time is not unified, they can only run separately in the end.

After exercise, the body is easy to sweat and get sick easily by air conditioning.

Some people may want to ask, when is the healthiest time to run? In fact, as long as you are active, it will be beneficial, but if you can combine it with season, running environment, physical quality and time, and choose the most suitable way, you may get better results.

Night running is OK, but it should be adjusted in time in late autumn.

It’s best to run in the morning before 9 p.m.

The temperature is not very low and the muscle strength is enough.

If the heart is not very good, avoid the rainy season to prevent the lack of oxygen from aggravating the burden on the heart and accidents.

June 27, 2018 [3] autumn night running.

People with poor heart and blood vessels should avoid this time period in the morning, which is prone to accidents.

By KingWay