Squat for 15 minutes after dinner, and then cooperate with the slow menstrual line, which is very suitable for health.

Precautions # squat for about 15 minutes or more each time, keep your eyes inward, concentrate on squatting, don’t think nonsense, and don’t talk to people or play with mobile phones while squatting.

Of course, no matter which exercise method is adopted, frequency and intensity should be considered to prevent excessive exercise.

Male pelvic muscles have been exercised, which can also increase the blood supply of the whole pelvis and male reproductive organs and improve male sexual function.

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6 promote the movement of Qi and blood from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, lower limbs and feet are the root of essence and Qi and the reservoir of Qi and blood.

Be sure to get up slowly to avoid dizziness and instability.

In the process of squatting, the phenomenon of gastrointestinal peristalsis such as burping and farting is the best effect of beggar squatting.

The elderly and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should be controlled..

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4 weight loss squatting exercise can also consume fat.

Remind # to do any squat, it is required to hold the chest and abdomen, keep the upper body straight, and align the knee joints with the toes.

Different squatting positions have different effects.

The lady put her feet together and bent her knees.

However, due to the difficulty of the action, half a minute is enough to avoid strain or cramp for too long.

The hips should not be lower than the knees.

It’s best to find a comfortable cushion (not too soft).

He once said: “as long as you stick to it, you can use it infinitely.” “Beggar squatting” is simply to squat down with both hands on the knees, squat back but not on the ground as far as possible, keep the waist, back and head in a straight line as far as possible, shut up when inhaling and slightly open your mouth when exhaling.

In addition, you can increase the strength of your feet and dredge the meridians.

1 reduce sedentary injury.

Use your back and lumbosacral part to rely on the back of the chair.

In the process of squatting, it is normal to have foot numbness.

When squatting on the toes, the inner side of the forefoot and the big toe of the foot play a supporting role, while the kidney meridian of foot Shaoyin, liver meridian of foot Jueyin and spleen meridian of foot Taiyin pass through here, stimulating the three Yin of foot can warm and tonify the kidney yang.

Step 3: tie Confucius’ fingerprints on both hands and put them naturally on your knees to relax your body and mind.

Drop your body weight between your feet and change your left and right feet every 30 seconds.

The incidence rate of coronary heart disease and stroke is 3.

Squatting exercise should not only pay attention to step-by-step, but also pay attention to perseverance, so that the exerciser can have a healthy body in the busy.

The lunge squat practitioner steps out his left foot, touches the ground on the toes of his right foot, squats on his toes, and forms a lunge with his two legs.

The specific steps are as follows: Step 1: after dinner, find a wall.

Therefore, it is said that “the flow of Qi leads to the flow of blood, and the wind of blood disappears”.

It is very important to prevent and improve impotence, prevent male ed and strengthen exercise, especially lower body exercise.

I don’t know when many European and American people suddenly discovered this magical skill of East Asians: squatting.

The most important thing is to insist on it, and there must be miracles.

At the same time, it can build thighs and hips.

5 lubrication joint squatting posture is a good stretching exercise for the tissues around the joints through the regular folding of the lower limbs, especially for the knee and hip joints.

If you overeat, this is the best way to help you digest quickly.

Men often squat, which can strengthen the muscle strength of the waist and is not easy to feel tired.

Step 4: the head should be centered, the Yin hole on the top of the head should be in a straight line, the ass should be off the ground, and the calf should be pressed tightly.

This method is very simple, but it has remarkable effect.

Keep still after squatting.

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Never stop farting.

Bend your knees and press your thighs against your lower legs for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Targeted squatting exercise can enhance knee stability and lower limb muscle strength, and then promote the improvement of speed, explosive power and endurance.

The blood vessels of the lower limbs are unobstructed, and the muscles and veins are nurtured.

2 treatment of stomach disease in the book “the last 100 days of Nan Huaijin”, it introduces “beggar squatting” to help treat stomach disease.

Through exercise, the stronger our lower limbs are, the stronger our heart will be.

The squatting effect is especially good after dinner.

The exercise time can be gradually extended, preferably 2 ~ 4 minutes, which has the effect of protecting the knee joint.

Step 2: stand in front of the wall, bend your knees and squat down with your back straight, close to the wall or on the cushion.

In fact, mastering the correct squatting posture is not only beneficial to the body, but also can promote blood circulation, improve the ability of body balance, and promote digestion and defecation.

Men and women must pay attention to this detail.

Good blood circulation of lower limbs can promote the blood at the distal end of the limbs to return to the heart, so that the blood and Qi of the whole body can run smoothly without stasis in the lower limbs.

Squatting after sedentary can move joints, relax muscles and improve balance ability, so as to reduce the harm of sedentary to the body.

If you can persist for a long time, it even has the magical function of health and longevity.

In addition, keeping any posture for too long will hurt your health, and so will squatting.

If you work hard for a long time, you won’t be hurt naturally.

The basic version of static squatting “beggar squatting” to prevent stomach disease “beggar squatting” is a squatting method praised by master Nan Huaijin.

Please rest assured to pay attention.

The chair squats to protect the knee joints.

Squatting is beneficial to the whole body.

Therefore, it is also a good way to lose weight, especially in the waist, hips, abdomen and legs.

When the turbid Qi drops, fart naturally.

Men’s feet are slightly separated (not close together), bend their knees and squat down, so that they will not clamp the crotch and can relax the crotch.

Squatting can also increase the range of motion of the chest and lungs, so as to improve our cardiopulmonary function.

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Squatting can reduce fat accumulation, exercise thigh, calf, waist and abdomen and other muscle groups, enhance the flexibility and symmetry of the human body, and the correct squatting posture can promote health.

Squat on your toes to protect your kidney, put your feet on the ground in front of you, and lift your heels off the ground.

8 exercise lower limb muscles.


Although it is only a simple squat, there are several squatting positions.

By KingWay