When running, we often use five major muscle groups – quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors and posterior calf muscles.

There are three best ways of speed training: fartlek run, mountain run and repeat run.

When this word is used on runners, it is used to describe a person’s poor running and forms a new word – “running slag”.

Flashback for inverted pyramid training.

Some runners in the whole marathon were not more painful than those in the half marathon.

★ box jump ★ find a wooden box or bench 30-45cm high.

Next, from the perspectives of “speed”, “core strength” and “combination of aerobic and anaerobic running”, let’s take a look at the “counter attack” road of “running slag” towards the great God, and also see what unknown hardships have been experienced behind those admirable great gods! 01 counter attack of “scum running”: speed is the key.

★ push ups: support the ground with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, keep your torso straight, and try to do more in one minute.

In addition, the human body has more than 640 skeletal muscles, most of which, especially respiratory and core muscles, are also responsible for the operation of running.

Repeat 10-15 times for the left and right legs respectively.

Running and disorderly exercise are their daily training state.

According to the explanation of Baidu entry, the definition is the ancient water name, which now refers to the residual part of the material after refining or use.

When I saw the great God drying the amount at the end of the month, I had to comfort myself that the focus was on participation.

Training objectives: exercise hips, legs, core strength and coordination.

Finally, they found that the secret was strength training.

For “scum running”, the first thing to overcome is “speed training”.

Look at the result, the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and look at the result 505.

Persisting in speed training can make people run farther at the same speed, or run the same distance in a shorter time.

More about “muscles”: what muscles are moving when running? Here are some recommended strength training methods ★ weight-bearing lunge ★ hold the dumbbell with both hands, step the right leg forward and get up in the lunge position, and then change the left leg.

Training purpose: mainly exercise biceps femoris, hip muscle group and erector spinae muscle.

Training purpose: mainly exercise the muscles and strength of upper limbs, waist and abdomen, especially chest muscles.

You can arrange according to your actual situation according to the following “seven week training method”.

Look at the training “if it rains today, don’t run”, “running slag” training is the same as the mentality of Buddhism.

Week 7: Pyramid training 2, 4 × 200m + 1 minute rest; three × 400 meters + 2 minutes rest; two × 600 meters + 3 minutes rest; 800 meters once.

No attention? Put out your finger and point here – runningassistant, the runner’s running micro assistant, first analyze – “slag”.

How to change from “running slag” to great God? Marathon training generally refers to aerobic endurance training, mixed oxygen training, anaerobic endurance training, speed training and core strength training.

First step the right leg on the wooden box, bend the knee of the left leg and move towards the chest, then put the left foot on the wooden box, and then the right foot and left foot fall to the ground successively.

02 strength training should not be underestimated.

You can carry heavy objects such as dumbbells with both hands.

Hold the weight with both hands, then put the right foot on the box, squat forward with the left leg, repeat 10-15 times, and then change the right leg to do the same action..

Training purpose: to improve the explosive power of lower limbs.

Don’t fight, don’t rush, don’t be impatient, quietly brush your own circle.

As an adjective, it is synonymous with “poor” and “rotten”, such as “slag sound quality and slag picture quality”.

After the race, they extracted blood samples and the feeling of volunteers’ fatigue after the race.

Repeat 10-15 times.

Secondly, strength training is also indispensable for “scum running” to run faster and longer.

Week 1: take a short break, 4 × (4 × 200m), rest for 1 minute each time, and rest for 3 minutes in each group; The second week: climbing, 12 times, 45 seconds, fast uphill + jogging downhill recovery; Week 3: field training, 8 × 1000 meters, 10 × 1000, 15 meters × 400m; Fourth week: 5K rhythm run (with a pace higher than 10k); Week 5: mountain climbing and running, 6 × 90 second fast uphill running, jogging downhill recovery; Week 6: Pyramid training, 1 minute fast running + 1 minute jogging; 2-minute fast running + 90 jogging; 3-minute fast running + 2-minute jogging; 4 minutes of fast running + 3 minutes of jogging.

★ one leg squat ★ put it behind your body with the help of a 30-45cm high chair.

In the usual preparation training, you’d better be faster than during the game.

Take a simple example: if your 10K is 45 minutes, you should keep the pace within 4 minutes and 30 seconds in your daily training.

When speed training reaches a certain level, it will also increase the body’s lactic acid tolerance and rapid recovery ability.

seamless bandana

Repeat this 20-30 times.

For the “scum runner”, he once dreamed of being side by side with the great God, but in fact he was dozens of blocks away.

Some foreign experts selected volunteers from the half and whole marathon.

Generally speaking, the mentality of “scum running” is more Buddhist.

I can only blame the great gods for running too fast! Without comparison, there is no harm.

Meet or exceed the race pace to be safer in the race.

Speed training can improve people’s heart rate, make the heart stronger, increase lung capacity, and make the strength of both legs stronger.

Flashback for inverted pyramid training.

Of course, it can also describe the corruption of people’s ideology and morality, such as what people often call “scum man”.

★ hold the dumbbell with both hands, stand with both feet shoulder width apart, keep your body upright, then bend down and put the weight in your hand close to your toes, and then get up.

By KingWay