Jiaming and Songtuo are specially recommended.

Maximum aerobic run / VO2max: Generally speaking, the speed when running 3-5km with full strength.

Interval running / speedintervals: it refers to the training method of strictly controlling the time after one or a group of exercises and carrying out the next exercise when the body has not fully recovered.

The number of beats per minute during a run.

Running for others: wearing a number book that does not belong to you and participating in the competition as others is called running for others.

5K / 10K: abbreviation of five thousand meters and ten thousand meters.

The whole distance is 26 miles and 385 yards, equivalent to 42.195 kilometers.

Uphill run: uphill and downhill, cross slowly or quickly.

06 physiological term heart rate / BPM: beats per minute.

It is a training method that keeps a constant speed throughout the whole process and feels relatively relaxed.

There are three types of normal pronation, overpronation and underpronation.

Step frequency / cadence: the frequency of steps, the number of steps per minute.

Pay attention to the wechat of Jilin running group and enjoy a healthy and beautiful life.

There are official rabbits and private rabbits.

Rabbit: generally refers to the leader (some people call it speed matchmaker).

Supply points: the organizing committee will set up several supply points along the track to provide players with mineral water, energy drinks, bread, bananas, energy glue and other supplies.

Today, Xingmei, a Mars runner, popularized the relevant professional terms commonly used in marathons to novice runners.

Closing: generally, the closing time of the whole marathon is 6 hours, and the closing time of the half marathon is 3 hours.

Pace: generally refers to the time per kilometer during running.

Negative splits means that the second half of the game is faster than the first half, which is generally considered better.

Segments / splits: divide a long run into several segments, and each segment is a split.

Long distance jogging LSD / longslowdistance: generally refers to the distance of 20 kilometers or more.

When a contestant crosses the time blanket laid on the ground, the time system will record the passing time of the contestant.

Timing chip and timing point: computer timing is used in urban marathon, and players need to carry inductive timing chip throughout the course.

Warm up before running: warm up 5-20 minutes before running can improve heart rate and blood circulation and reduce the risk of injury.

Rhythm run / lactic acid threshold run / temporun: run at a reasonable speed to make the body just at a critical point.

Quarter Marathon: refers to 10 kilometers.

Half marathon: it’s half of a marathon, 21.0975 kilometers.

Mini Marathon: there is no fixed distance for a mini marathon, which may be 10km or 5km.

Repeat running training: repeat running between times and groups at a fixed distance, fixed time and fixed pace.

Maximum oxygen uptake / VO2max: the standard for measuring aerobic capacity, which refers to the maximum amount of oxygen the body can obtain.

Gunshot score and Net Score / chiptime: the score counted from the start of the starting gun is called gunshot score; The result of timing from the starting point is called the net result.

Anaerobic threshold (at): the more popular name is lactate threshold..

When a group of running friends are discussing running, do you, as a novice, sometimes look confused? For example, what do they mean by “Pb”? Sometimes you are embarrassed to ask, because this is a common knowledge in the running circle.

Heart rate meter: it is a watch that can record our heart rate in real time and accurately during exercise, including chest strap type and photoelectric type.

Lactic acid is produced, but the amount is very small.

Post run relaxation exercise / cooldown: a relaxation activity after running to help the body return to normal.

04 event related Pb / PR: personalbest / record, personal best score.

Draw lots: the number of applicants far exceeds the scale that the event can accommodate.

Taper: in the weeks before participating in major events, runners will reduce the amount of training, get better rest and store more energy for the competition.

Glycogen loading method / carbon loading: before participating in the competition, that is, in the taper stage, add foods with higher sugar in the diet to reserve energy for the competition.

Number book: qualification certificate and identification of contestants to participate in the competition.

Recovery run: a recovery run performed on the same day after completing a difficult running activity (such as a horse and a half).

03 running style fartlek training method / fartlek: fartlek means variable speed running in Swedish, which means alternating fast and slow speeds in a running training.

After finishing the game, you will receive the finish bag.

02 basic term running posture / form: body posture during running.

05 running equipment running watches: GPS equipment manufacturers, whose running series watches can be used to record mileage, pace, etc., have a good reputation in the runner circle.

You need to draw lots to obtain the qualification.

It can be said that if you understand these terms, your running will become more and more professional! 01 what is a marathon? Marathon: it is a very popular long-distance running event in the world.

Easy run: an easy run without remembering time and distance.

running shin sleeves

Entry bag and completion bag: the entry bag is received before the competition.

Pronation: the degree of pronation of the sole during running.

Finish Medal: all players who finish the game within the specified time can get the finish medal.

By KingWay