People who sit still for a long time will accelerate the aging of joints.

Running speed running speed is not the faster the better.

The calories of a kilogram of fat are 3900 calories, while jogging for one hour can consume 500 calories, while the calories of a cup of milk tea and a portion of fried chicken exceed 600 calories.

Jogging belongs to aerobic exercise and is a sustainable fat burning training.

To lose weight, you need to move your legs and manage your calorie level.

The general obesity and body size standard population, appropriate exercise, for the knee injury is benign, only need to work and rest, your knee joints will become stronger.

The four common sense of running to lose weight will make you lose weight more efficiently and gain a healthy constitution.

We should control the speed of 7-10 kilometers per hour for more than half an hour each time, which can improve activity metabolism and promote body fat burning.

If you only exercise without managing your diet and like to eat all kinds of delicious food, especially fried and high sugar foods, it’s hard for you to lose weight.

Common sense 2.

Common sense 1.

If you think so, it can only prove that you have misunderstandings about running and don’t master the correct way of running.

However, some people say that running will hurt your knees, while others say that running will thicken your calves.

Running needs methods and skills, otherwise it is easy to harm health and is not conducive to weight loss.

The importance of diet.

Fast running belongs to anaerobic exercise.

The impact of running on the knee.

We need to master the scientific running rhythm in order to stick to it for a longer time.

running sling bag

Running is a recognized weight loss exercise.

Keep these four common sense in mind, learn proper running training, and keep running more than 4 times a week, and your body will gradually lose weight…

Before each run, we need to do dynamic stretching for 2-3 minutes, especially warm up the leg muscles, and then start running training.

Running is suitable for most people, but obese people with a large weight base should choose running carefully, because when running, the body knee will bear 2-3 times the weight of the body weight, which will cause great damage to the joints.

In this way, it is not easy to strain when running.

If you don’t persist for 2 minutes, you will be out of breath.

Your vital capacity can’t meet the oxygen consumption of running, can’t achieve the effect of fat burning, and it’s easy to thicken your legs.

Don’t ignore stretching training.

Before running, we need to warm up our joints and activate our muscle groups to promote blood circulation and find the feeling of fitness.

Common sense 3.

Common sense 4.

In this way, you can control your calorie intake and improve your body’s metabolic level, so that you can lose weight faster.

Most people will choose to start from running because the threshold is relatively low and the fat burning efficiency is relatively high.

By KingWay