After tannic acid enters the body, the iron element in the body combines with tannic acid to form sediment, resulting in more iron missing in the body, thus forming iron deficiency anemia.

3 lead to iron deficiency anemia.

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At the end of exercise, the heart beats faster, the burden on the heart is heavier, and the caffeine contained in tea has an exciting effect.

The study in the American Journal of clinical nutrition pointed out that the catechins in tea can substantially help the efficiency of fat consumption during exercise.

After exercise, generally speaking, after exercise, especially vigorous exercise, don’t drink tea immediately, especially strong tea.

Why can’t you drink tea immediately after exercise? 1.

Research before exercise shows that drinking an appropriate amount of tea before exercise is beneficial to improve the fat metabolism rate and increase the fat energy consumption during exercise.

Sports can not only change people’s physique, but also change people’s character.

Sports & tea life lies in exercise, which is an important factor to maintain good health.

After exercise, the body will sweat a lot and lose a lot of electrolytes.

And the concentration of tea consumed after exercise should not be too high.

After normal exercise, you should rest for about 10 minutes.

From the perspective of exercise physiology, it is best to drink light saline at this time to supplement nutrients and salt and maintain normal metabolism in the body.

Some people often drink tea after exercise.

But in the process of exercise, the water in the human body will be lost, and then feel thirsty.

So can I drink tea after exercise? Can drinking tea after exercise really quench your thirst? Characteristics of body function after exercise after exercise, the human body’s motor function has not completely recovered, the blood circulation is fast, and a large amount of body water and salt are lost.

The burden on the heart is heavy, and the pulse and heartbeat are faster than usual.

Tea has the effect of quenching thirst.

You can drink some light salt water to supplement energy, and then drink tea when your body function recovers to a stable state.


The iron element in the human body will lose part with sweat during exercise, and the tea water contains tannic acid.

If you drink tea right away, it is easy to increase the burden on the heart and make people feel rapid heartbeat and chest tightness.

Drinking tea containing caffeine is more likely to aggravate the loss of body fluid, stimulate the central nervous system and is unfavorable to the recovery after exercise.

Sports & Tea therefore, although drinking tea is good for the body, according to the specific analysis of the specific situation, drinking tea before and after exercise must follow the scientific principle of appropriate amount and moderation, and master the correct tea drinking methods, so as to ensure the recovery of physical function…

How long can I drink tea after exercise? Under normal circumstances, tea can only be drunk 30 minutes to 1 hour after exercise.

Drinking tea increases the burden on the heart.

Although tea has a good health care effect, drinking tea after exercise will easily stimulate the intestines and stomach, cause physical discomfort and is not conducive to physical health.

So, since you can drink water before and after exercise, can you also drink tea? Can you drink tea before and after exercise? 1.

2 lead to water loss.

Caffeine in tea also has certain diuretic function and dehydration effect.

By KingWay