Self discipline can really change life.

I finally understood that my attitude determines the quality of life.

I divide plans into long-term goals, annual plans, monthly plans, weekly plans and daily plans.

I ran at least three days a week, at least five kilometers each time.

Only when the consciousness is strong enough can it continue.

I know myself.

As a result, I did it by the end of the year.

The changes in the past two years, especially in 2016, stem from the gradually strong consciousness and tenacious willpower, and all these stem from the cultivation of some good habits: running, making plans, getting up early, reading, being alone and being grateful.

This text has been brewing for a long time.

Every excuse in my mouth and every inch of fat on my body are signs of compromise with life.

These habits make my life no longer messy, my mood no longer out of control and my heart no longer empty.

Franklin said, “I have never seen a diligent, cautious and honest person who gets up early complaining about bad fate; good character, excellent habits and strong will will will not be defeated by the hypothetical so-called fate.” Self discipline is not only the most important tool to solve life problems, but also the most important method to eliminate life pain; Self discipline can make a person grow into a better person in 365 days.

I’ve been a dispensable girl since I was a student.

I also participated in the first marathon in my life.

I said I wanted to take the postgraduate entrance examination, so I bought a complete set of books, picked up a book, turned it intermittently, and put it on the shelf less than one-third; I said I wanted to be patient with my child.

I kept it and practiced it once.

I don’t want to make myself so tired.

In 2016, my wish is to run 1000 kilometers, read 100 books, complete a marathon, pass the selection, and get three work-related qualification certificates.

Sharing with nimeng ~ 2016 is an extraordinary year for me and an important year for my psychological reconstruction.

This article comes from a mother who changed her life through self-discipline.

Laziness and emptiness make my life go downhill uncontrollably.

My goal is to remember one full, live up to every day and page of the year, and retain the traces and memories of life.

Long term goals include overcoming fear of difficulties, starting and ending well, reducing gossip, keeping smiling, etc..

I chose to run at noon because I was relatively undisturbed and would not be disturbed by things around me.

I was in the park in spring and autumn, and went to the gym in summer and winter.

I gradually realized that although all my lifestyles are not bad habits, they are by no means good habits, and a considerable part of my unhappiness comes from the spiritual emptiness brought by this bad habit, and the choices that really make people better will not be too comfortable.

I’m an ordinary person who quickly drowns in the crowd.

Running gradually enhanced my self-control.

Running in 2015, I started running, and I never stopped running in 2016.

I don’t like myself like this.

I no longer said I was unhappy when I met people, but said to myself: if you are unhappy, go running.

My aunt never opened it when she arrived.

For a long time, I rely on internal power rather than external pressure.

I’m afraid few people will make a list of things after work.

Later, running became a way for me to decompress.

Many of my later changes came from the self-confidence brought by running, because I realized the feeling of controlling life, and everything was moving in a better direction.

I’m even afraid that one day my daughter will say to me viciously: why do you ask me if you haven’t done it? Then I will be speechless In 2015, when I was 30 years old, I had three wishes: long hair and waist, thin to 100 kg, and admitted to graduate school.

I was used to eating junk food and watching boring TV programs after work.

I was used to holding my mobile phone all day, brushing my microblog until I couldn’t brush it again, and watching the news in my circle of friends again and again.

I hate myself more and more, and I don’t want my daughter to be such a person.

Running is a particularly painful process.

Later, when I worked and stayed in the system, I naturally became a very appropriate role to cope with the numbness of work life.

Her good habits such as reading, running, getting up early and learning to be alone are worth learning.

I can’t understand those who add all kinds of constraints to their life.

If I wish, I have done it again.

I was used to complaining about life with my best friend.

This forced way later brought me complete changes.

I can’t wait to share the changes of this year with you.

There are several key difficulties that are difficult to surpass.

When we were students, we all had the habit of keeping our homework in small books.

In fact, it is self-consciousness.

After reading her three stories, I wanted to brush my microblog and visit Taobao; I said I wanted to lose weight.

It is regarded as a ceremony to bid farewell to yourself in the past and start a new life from now on.

At the beginning of the year, I prepared a hand account.

camel pack running

I can’t stick to it after stopping once.

I never agree with self abusive persistence and efforts.

In my concept, efforts should be enough.

I’ve tried to change, but I’ve never insisted on one thing for a long time.

Instead of resisting, I fell in love with the pleasure of fighting against inertia all day and enjoyed the process of surpassing myself again and again.

People who have average grades and looks and don’t slip away in school have the obligation to be dead.

In addition, I swim once a week and do five groups of flat support every morning.

Some people say that there are two kinds of people in adulthood, one is mature and the other is old, and I have become the latter in my early thirties, complaining, sighing and deep hatred.

Let’s start with myself.

The lazy atmosphere slowly devours my heart, making me more and more narrow-minded, more and more inferior, weak and sensitive, more and more skeptical about life and more slack about the future.

After sweating, the body was tired, but the heart was quiet.

I’m used to being a secondary student, but somehow I always hide dissatisfaction in my heart, People who firmly believe that they are popular are grandstanding or too good.

By KingWay