There is only one point, and the knee should not exceed the toe.

These ligaments help to control the movement of knee joint, Maintain the stability of knee joint.

Among the 25 studies, 17 studies (about 115000 people in total) were selected for analysis.

Is knee pain really caused by running? American Journal of orthopedics and sports physical therapy, an internationally renowned authoritative medical journal, published a research report entitled “running and arthritis” in June 2017.

Running itself is a very good sport.

4 ~ 6 groups every day, the goal of exercise is to have a sense of soreness in the thigh-.

On the contrary, if you don’t exercise for a long time, the synovial fluid in the joint can’t flow fully and can’t play the role of lubricant, and the muscle tissue around the joint will shrink day by day.

With the passage of time, it is likely to cause joint degeneration and induce arthritis.

The shoulders should be relaxed, the landing should be light, the arms should swing naturally, rely on their own core to stabilize, and use the shoulders and hips of the body to send the state of the body to run; 4.

Stick to the action of protecting knee joints: squat against the wall.

Although the human body has a certain ability of self-healing, slight pain and injury can be recovered by recuperation for a period of time.

They simply don’t exercise directly and reduce the wear of articular cartilage, but this is actually wrong! Regular exercise can properly stimulate articular cartilage, promote metabolism, make joint synovial fluid flow everywhere in the joint, and play the role of lubrication and nutrition.

The correct running posture should be a relaxed state.

There is a shock absorber between the femur and tibia – meniscus, which acts like a gasket to protect the cartilage on the joint surface· The picture comes from the network.

This “muscle dysfunction” reduces muscle absorption of joint load, resulting in potential injury risk.

the damage exceeds repair), it is likely to lead to changes in the joint, and finally the joint can not be repaired and can not operate normally.

Compared with healthy runners, sedentary people have a higher incidence of arthritis.

Pay attention to running posture.

Therefore, long-term high-intensity or excessive exercise will naturally lead to knee pain· The picture comes from medical encyclopedia.

Many people have heard of the injury of running to the knee joint.

The knee joint is a fragile part of the body, because it needs to bear huge weight and pressure load to provide flexible movement.

The saying “running Baili only hurts the knee” has been circulating in the running industry.

In the long run, the joint will lose its protection and the probability of joint injury will increase.

It is mainly composed of three bones: femur, tibia and patella.

Because if the knee exceeds the toe, the meniscus will be stressed, which is counterproductive.

Warm up before running to improve the coordination between different muscle groups and avoid additional damage caused by muscle strength disorder; 3.

If the joint remains unbalanced for a long time (i.e.

In that case, why are so many people suffering from “running knee”? Knee joint is one of the few parts of human body that have not been strengthened in the process of evolution.

However, due to the long-term overload exercise of some runners, the cartilage of the knee joint can not be cultivated and restored.

However, we must pay attention to appropriate exercise, pay attention to the running posture, and protect the knee joint! Attention during exercise: 1 Choose a suitable plastic track and wear comfortable running shoes to minimize the impact and wear of knee joints; 2.

These three bones are connected by five strong ligaments (knee cruciate ligament, oblique ligament, patellar ligament, peroneal collateral ligament and tibial collateral ligament).

In addition, in the case of insufficient rest, running for a long time will affect the normal exertion of muscle strength.

Proper running exercise can enhance the nutritional and metabolic cycle of the knee joint, strengthen the leg muscles, and is conducive to joint health.

The running posture is very important.

For a marathon runner weighing 70 kg, every mile (about 1.6 km, about 1000 ~ 1500 steps), the force acting on the hip, knee and ankle on the ground is equivalent to the impact force brought by a cumulative 2800 tons of objects.

If you use the knee with high intensity for a long time, there will be problems.

The results showed that the prevalence of arthritis in competitive runners was 13.3%, that in sedentary people was 10.2%, and that in fitness runners was only 3.5%.

Click the blue word to pay attention to our knee pain, which is the most common pain for runners.

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By KingWay