For example, in one study, individuals who run more than 50 miles a week must show a significantly greater increase in HDL cholesterol (good fat) Compared with body fat, people who significantly reduced triglyceride levels, and coronary artery risk of heart disease than those who ran less than 10 miles a week.

Why run? You found a mistake about running.

Thirty minutes a day! What is the history of running? About 4 to 6 million years ago, when we evolved from limbs and stood up, humans began to walk and run.

You get a lot of benefits from moderate exercise, but vigorous exercise seems to produce more benefits.

Like George Sheehan, Bill Rodgers, Jeff Galloway, Alberto Salazar and grete waitz (nine New York Marathon winners from 1978 to 1988, inspiring all women to go out and run!) When runners successfully promote running through their sports, running is now a very popular exercise and sports activity.

A study showed that compared with runners, people who ran more than 50 miles a week had a significant increase in HDL cholesterol (beneficial fat) and a significant reduction in body fat, triglyceride levels and the risk of coronary heart disease less than 10 miles a week.

In addition, the hypertension of long-distance runners has been reduced by nearly 50%, and the use of drugs to reduce blood pressure and plasma cholesterol levels has been reduced by more than 50% What are the benefits of running for fitness? Cardiopulmonary fitness (aerobic fitness or “aerobic exercise”) refers to the ability of your heart to pump blood stronger and more effectively, and your muscles to use oxygen more effectively.

In the Jesse Owens era, more Americans were runners than spectators, but that has changed over the past 35 years.

Scholars believe that the story of phidipides may be a myth (if the Athenians want to send an emergency message to Athens, they have no reason not to send envoys on horseback), but this myth has legs (no pun) and is the origin of modern marathon.

The running fever began to spread across the country in the 1970s.

This is the definition of running in the Merriam Webster Dictionary: make steady progress through the steps of jumping, so that your feet leave the ground in each step.

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi may describe the experience of running as “flow”, that is, the state of mind in which you are completely immersed in what you are doing.

Since then, running has attracted the attention of millions of Americans.

However, you don’t need to run a marathon to experience the profound health benefits of running.

But this is not to discount moderate exercise.

In the late 19th century, track and field sports, including running, occupied an important position in the field of sports.

It may be the excitement of pushing your body through space, or the impact on the ground makes your bones feel the happiness center in your brain all the time, or it may just be the pure satisfaction of doing something good for yourself Whatever it is, running is addictive.

Running is one of the most popular sports in the United States.

Or this may be what William Glaser calls “positive addiction”, that is, you carry out repetitive activities without self-criticism or judgment, which has a beneficial impact on your body and mind.

It is said that fidipides ran 149 miles to spread the news of the Persian landing in the marathon to Sparta in order to help in the battle.

As your aerobic exercise becomes healthier, your heart will pump out more blood and oxygen at each beat (this is called “stroke output”), and your muscles will extract (or consume) more oxygen.

This is the key: both feet in the air at the same time.

One of the main points of the position statement is that exercise has a dose response; In other words, the more you do, or the harder you work, the more benefits you get.

By the late 1800s, school children began running.

The ACSM report clearly states that, “Many significant health benefits can be obtained through physical activity from sedentary to the lowest level; [however] programs involving higher intensity and / or longer frequency / duration provide additional benefits.

But it was Pheidippides (490 bc), an ancient “day Walker”, who put running on the map.

In fact, elite long-distance runners consume three times as much oxygen as sedentary people..

What are the health benefits of running? The benefits of vigorous exercise are fully described.

running sling bag

This is the first race of the Marathon (26 miles and 385 yards) of the modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896 to commemorate fidipides’ historic running.

When walking, one foot is always on the ground.

Thousands of road races and marathons are held every year.

Jogging is slow and sprinting is fast.

Ten thousand years ago, hunter gatherers like the tarahumala Indians of Mexico hunted 15-75 miles a day.

For example, if you have 100 oxygen molecules floating around in your blood, conditional muscles may consume 75 molecules, while unconditional muscles may consume only 30 or less.

Jogging and running will be discussed in this article.

The American College of sports medicine’s position statement on exercise is a document full of research demonstrating the health benefits of vigorous exercise.

In the 20th century, it was the famous black sprinter Jesse Owens who broke Hitler’s dream of proving the racial superiority of Aryans at the 1936 Nazi German Olympic Games, won the gold medal in the 100 meter sprint, 200 meter sprint and 400 meter relay.

By KingWay