
The posterior tibial muscle of flatfoot / arched foot is too tense (the muscle strength of the front and rear legs is unbalanced).

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No.4 arch lifting training sit on a stool and support the ground naturally with both feet.

running waist packs

Therefore, the first step to solve the calf pain is to fully relax the calf muscles.

No.3 grab the towel, stand up, step on the towel with one barefoot, stretch your toes, grab the towel downward, repeat the action and complete the required number of repetitions.

To strengthen the eccentric training of calf muscles in calf training, the key to calf pain is insufficient cushioning, which comes from the centrifugal strength of calf muscles such as triceps, posterior tibial muscle and long and short peroneal muscle.

People who often run may encounter calf pain or discomfort.

In fact, the slow lowering after heel lifting is also very important.

The essence of arch training is to train foot muscles.

2 lift the heel and stand centrifugally with the toe at the edge of the object with a height of (10-15 cm).

Repeat the action until the required number of repetitions is completed.

Once you reach the highest position of the action, slowly lower your heels below your toes and as low as possible to return to the starting position.

Novice runners should not be anxious to increase their running volume.

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Let’s introduce five rehabilitation actions, practice more and say goodbye to calf pain! No.1 even feet practice standing with feet separated, shoulder width apart, hands on hips, upper body leaning forward slightly, focus on heels, and slowly lift your toes up and off the ground.

Strengthening foot arch training through normal foot muscle strengthening training, can enhance the elasticity of foot arch and improve the function of foot arch.

No.5 training stool, one leg landing buffer, one foot standing on the stool or step, jumping off the stool, the opposite foot landing stably, and the knee remains bent after landing.

One of the risk factors of medial tibial stress syndrome is the imbalance of muscle strength before and after the leg.

If the anterior tibial muscle is weak, it will lead to toe touching the ground or insufficient cushioning, which will increase the stress effect on the tibia of the lower leg, so the strength training of the anterior tibial muscle is very important.

Why does it hurt when running? Here we will introduce a common disease causing running leg pain – medial tibial stress syndrome.

The main manifestations were pain in the upper position of Achilles tendon and in front of lower leg.

Foot muscle training can enhance ankle strength, increase foot cushioning ability and ground picking ability, which is also an important strategy to reduce leg pain.

Pay attention to landing with the forefoot and bend the knee to cushion.

The above content comes from the 2020 runner’s diary and the no injury running method, which are published by the people’s post and Telecommunications Publishing House.

After the leg muscles are relaxed, you can carry out rehabilitation training.

The first step to recover is to relax the muscles.

On the one hand, muscle fatigue and tension is not conducive to the metabolism and repair of the muscles, on the other hand, it intensifies the stress concentration of the tibia.

Excessive external rotation and valgus of the ankle.


These stresses come from both external forces (insufficient cushioning and excessive impact) and muscle forces.

Use the forefoot as the support point and raise the torso as high as possible.

The process of slow lowering is centrifugal training.

Symptoms: deep pain in the anterior or posterior medial middle and lower segments of the lower leg (within 15 cm above the medial malleolus), obvious pain during exercise, relieved or disappeared after rest, compression pain, and pain around the tibia.

Repeat the action until the required number of repetitions is completed.

Pay attention to the wechat of Jilin running group and enjoy a healthy and beautiful life.

Studies have confirmed that insufficient hip abduction leads to knee buckle and foot valgus, which is also related to medial tibial stress syndrome.

Runners generally focus on the training of heel lifting ability in calf training.

Most people’s posterior leg muscles (triceps crus, posterior tibial muscle, etc.) are relatively powerful.

The corresponding anterior tibial muscle in the front of the lower leg is weak and lack of training.

The key of centrifugal training is not only to resist resistance, but also to pay attention to the slow control of the speed in the reduction stage.

For example, the reaction force on the ground when flying to the ground is a typical external force, and the traction force during muscle contraction.

The cause of the disease is caused by repeated excessive traction of the tibia and high local stress.

Hold a support rod with both hands and support it on the ground.

Jilin running group pays close attention to Jilin running group’s wechat all the way and enjoys a healthy and beautiful life.

Muscle relaxation is not only conducive to muscle self repair, but also effectively reduce the stress of tibia.

You can’t help understanding how to carry out rehabilitation training! 1.

Under the condition that the whole soles of the feet do not leave the ground, do enough actions from outside to inside and repeat the actions until the required times are completed.

A training measure that is too large or suddenly increased for novice runners.

You can evaluate the shape of your lower limbs to see if you have leg pain caused by hip problems.


In short, it is: frequent running – insufficient bone repair and blocked reconstruction – accumulation of impact stress – reduced muscle contraction stress – muscle fatigue tension – more concentrated tibial stress – risk factors of tibial structural damage – often running on roads (hard ground), uphill and downhill, and cross-country.

By KingWay