Day 14: blisters were worn out on the soles of the feet, but no obvious changes were seen.

Running can burn the fat of the whole body, including the fat of our face.

We all know that running has many favorable factors for the body, but there should be many vivid examples around you.

Keep shouting to start losing weight next month and insist on running 5K every day.

If you keep running, you will find that your face will become tighter, your skin will be more elastic, your complexion will also be improved, and your whole person will remain younger.


Exchange running experience and participate in activities organized by runners.

The researchers also found that if you increase the amount of exercise by an average of 1 kJ / kg body weight every day, for example, 60 kJ calories are consumed by 60 kg people every day, and about 3-4 minutes of fast walking are increased, the risk of all-cause death will be reduced by 22%, the risk of cardiovascular death will be reduced by 25%, and the risk of cancer death will be reduced by 12%.

There is no interest in each other, just because of their hobbies.

The researchers analyzed the age, height, weight, diet, medical history and other information of 14000 participants, evaluated their exercise status for a period of time through questionnaire survey and joint monitoring of exercise heart rate, and conducted four follow-up visits.

From 233.2 kg to 176.4 kg! The difference of 56.8 kg makes him different.

Many men get a beer belly after the age of 40.

Most people who give up halfway lose confidence in this step, but he still perseveres.

Form the habit of self-discipline.

Wen / runners are mostly burdened with heavy life and work pressure in their middle age.

Due to the decrease of basal metabolic rate after increasing age, coupled with tight time and lack of exercise.

The results show that compared with the low-dose exercise who hardly exercise, the death risk of people with medium and high exercise is 28% and 33% lower respectively.

But do you think running brings only body changes? Of course, not only that, Xiaobian, let’s take an inventory of the benefits that running can bring to you.

Young appearance running is the most cost-effective and healthy way of cosmetic surgery.

Many people say that after middle age, it is difficult to make true friends.

What does running bring? 1.

So let’s take a look at what will happen to the middle-aged people aged 40 + if they can keep running for 30 minutes a day? 100 day running challenge: Here’s a real case: our inspirational hero today is a “fat man” who weighs 233.2 kg.

Eager to change his body shape, he customized a 100 day running plan for himself.

In addition, running is also very helpful to the cultivation of good posture.

In reality, many runners keep the habit of going to bed early and getting up early in order to run, and quit smoking in order to improve marathon performance.

running shin sleeves

He not only has a big beer belly, but also has drooping fat on his chest and arms.

When you have enough perseverance to keep running, you will also have the courage of self-discipline, do what you say and refuse to delay.

When their exercise increased to 10 kJ / kg / day and 14.4 kJ / kg / day, the risk of death decreased to 38% and 42%, respectively; Increasing the amount of exercise to 6.4 kJ / kg / day can also reduce the risk of death by 24%.

But running has brought many people the opportunity to open up their network.

Day 1: as soon as he ran, he was out of breath, and he couldn’t even roll his belly.

You encourage each other, get rid of the leisurely sofa on Sunday morning, encourage each other, participate in large-scale competitions and enjoy training time together! Author: runner; Editor: Micro reading transferred from: runner; ID: paobuxia666 contact email: Wei_ yue_ 。.

Day 21: Although still fat, I can finally see the faint muscle outline.

Expand the circle of high-quality friends.

What can running bring? It’s probably from greasy uncle to handsome man.

According to the American Sports Medical Association, exercise can enhance the activity of a brain-derived nerve growth factor, help improve brain function and communication between cells, and prevent cognitive decline caused by age.

We can straighten our body and improve our temperament by insisting on running.


These choices are not only the cultivation of self-discipline, but also the love of life.

One thing is like this, one thing is like this.


As a result, he simply quit after running for ten minutes because he was too tired to stick to it.

Smarter brain researchers from Karolinska medical school in Sweden published in the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology showed that running was associated with increased cell growth in areas related to learning and memory in the brain.

Many of us lie and sit for a long time, resulting in round shoulders and hunchbacks, and unsightly walking posture.

A study by the University of Cambridge, UK, shows that no matter what amount of exercise before, starting to exercise now is related to the reduction of all-cause mortality.

Day 60: I was pleasantly surprised to find that my waist circumference was a whole circle smaller, and my abdominal muscles had broken through the fat circle! Day 100: the fitness man is fresh, his abdominal muscles are clearly visible, and his temperament is completely different from that before the challenge.

They all have one thing in common: overcome their own cowardice.


By KingWay