If there is no substantial lesion, the symptoms are disturbing.

For ordinary people, at the age of 86, they are in their twilight years.

When a person squats down, his body becomes triple folded, the squeezed blood vessels contract, and the Qi and blood rush to the non squeezed blood vessels of the whole body, forcing them to expand and bulge; As soon as a person stands up, his whole body’s Qi and blood rush to the originally squeezed blood vessels and fill them with blood.

They put out two looms and pretended to be working, but there was nothing on their looms.

Practice standing piles, improve energy, replenish qi and blood, improve physical quality from inside to outside, become more energetic and have a clearer mind.

Often doing squatting exercise can enhance muscle strength, especially the muscle strength of lower limbs; The strength of both legs is enhanced, which can effectively prevent falls.

Such skillful strength can stimulate and dredge the meridians around the pelvic floor.

To stimulate the function of meridians, feet are the important starting and ending parts of the twelve meridians running Qi and blood, connecting the viscera, communicating inside and outside, and running through the upper and lower meridians; Combined with the eight odd meridians, squatting exercise can naturally stimulate the meridians of these nearly 20 meridians.

“If I wear such clothes, I can see who is incompetent in my kingdom; I can distinguish who is smart and who is stupid.

However, Professor Zheng Qiangqiang, 86, is still energetic and sticks to his post.

Due to long-term weight-bearing, the hip and knee joints of waist and legs will first appear aging symptoms such as dryness, soreness and tingling.

If human muscles are used moderately, they will be more developed, but abandoned or overused will degenerate.

05, farewell to secret sorrow, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, abdominal pain, sexual disharmony * and other reproductive and urinary problems.

He attributed this to the practice of standing piles.

Exercise in the sun can also assist in calcium absorption.

However, he immediately remembered that stupid or incompetent people could not see the cloth.

Men and women from several years old to 100 years old can practice, which is easy to operate and has good results.

They are sick all over, deaf and dazzled, and have difficulty in moving.

It is an important basic skill of Wushu, Tai Chi and guidance.

Old legs grow old first.

The squatting horse step requires a round crotch and buttocks, a slight retraction of the perineum and a middle alignment of the waist and spine.

Without acupuncture and medicine, the weak will become stronger and the contracture will become comfortable..

One after another, they asked the emperor to send them some of the best raw silk and gold.

However, CCTV4 exposed such a kind of exercise: it is simpler than swimming, running and gym exercise, but the effect of health exercise is very good.

He believed he had nothing to fear.

Horse step belongs to its own weight-bearing exercise, which can exercise bones, strengthen muscle strength and double prevent osteoporosis.

When squatting horse step, the joint capsule and ligament of waist and leg are moderately pulled, which can enhance its toughness; Bending, squatting and weight-bearing can promote the penetration of joint fluid and nourish the articular cartilage, so as to strengthen and lubricate the waist and leg joints.

By practicing standing pile for one year, the sleep is improved, the body is healthy and energetic, and the heart problem has been alleviated for many years.

What is standing pile? Standing pile is also called squatting horse step.

Joints are like human bearings, which need constant maintenance and lubrication.

They put all these things into their pockets, but pretended to work on the two empty looms until late at night.

One stop is better than ten thousand movements, and one stop is better than ten thousand exercises.

When you walk, you will feel relaxed and full of vitality.

02 strengthen bones and lubricate joints.

👇 Click the business card below to focus on more exciting content 👇 In the process of exercise, the reciprocating movement of Qi and blood, which is squatting together, pressing and releasing, flushing and returning, softens blood vessels, speeds up blood circulation and metabolism in the body, activates the immune system, increases high-density cholesterol, sensitizes baroreceptors, removes some harmful and toxic metabolites from the body, and the human body will naturally be healthy.

The answer is: standing pile! Peking Union Medical College Hospital.

They can basically do nothing except eat and sleep.

03 the characteristic of improving the resistance movement of osteoporosis is to effectively stimulate the bone under a certain load, so as to increase or maintain the bone content.

Zheng Chaoqiang, Professor of Peking Union Medical College, vice president of China Medical Education Association and medical leader.

The Qi and blood energy increases, the Yang Qi of the whole body is improved, the meridians are unblocked, and the body is more fully nourished; Then, the small stove inside the body began to burn, and the “wind, cold, wet, turbid” and other ill gases in the body were discharged through sweating, burping, exhaust and other ways.

He did feel a little uneasy.

calf sleeves running

Yes, I will ask them to weave such cloth at once!” He paid a lot of cash to the two swindlers and told them to start working at once.

👇 Click the business card below to focus on more exciting content 👇 Standing for 5 minutes reaps 8 great benefits.

“I wonder how well they are weaving,” thought the emperor.

Click on the blue font above to pay attention to “good morning 6 o’clock” and say hello to you every morning! Listen to a good song | enjoy a beautiful article | say a blessing | change a mood and welcome a beautiful day together! When it comes to sports, the most common ones are “swimming, running, Gym” and so on.

04 enhance muscle strength.

It can nourish Qi and blood, replenish liver and kidney, enhance immunity, dispel dampness and detoxification and reverse sub-health for 5 minutes a day.

As long as it is convenient, it can be established at home, in the company office or in the park; No matter how busy people are, if they want to be healthy, they only need 5 ~ 15 minutes of practice every day.

When you stand for a while every day, your body starts to heat and your qi and blood begin to be active; After a while, the life energy began to grow and run more effectively in the meridians, resulting in some parts beginning to feel “sour, numb and swollen”.

“That’s my favorite dress!” The emperor thought.

Standing for 5 minutes does not cost money, tools and venues.

It’s exercise, but it’s more like enjoyment.

By KingWay