At the same time, strengthen the elasticity of the Achilles tendon, and the sole of the foot will bounce off the ground in a shorter time after touching the ground.

It is a good level for amateur runners to reach 220-240 milliseconds, while the touchdown time of elite runners can be controlled within 200 milliseconds, or even 150 (or less) milliseconds! It’s hard for the naked eye to see the moment when the top players touch the ground and leave the ground.

They placed a high-speed camera in a half marathon race of elite players and collected the touchdown times of all players 15 kilometers away from the track.

When you have such problems as stepping, pushing and pedaling on the ground, and “throwing” your feet off the ground instead of pulling them up…

The contact time between your feet and the ground will become longer, so you should first develop a correct running posture.

Their running posture is wrong, which not only causes greater pressure on their joints, but also makes their endurance easier to be exhausted.

At this time, your running can be considered excellent// How to shorten the touchdown time / / the most direct impact on the touchdown time is running posture and technical movements.

Remember the feeling of being dominated by a 1000 meter physical test in middle school / university? How long did it take you to finish? In other words, Xiaobian spent more than 4 minutes running that year.

Advanced runners will try to reduce the “upward” movement, keep the trunk level, run their feet quickly, contact the ground very quickly, and stick to the ground all the way, so they “translate” to the end.

The touchdown time of ordinary runners may be 300 milliseconds.

When your heels touch the ground, the force will directly act on your knees.

running sling bag

Did you catch the most common mistake? You might say, “then I’m running on my feet.

The slower the speed is, the more obvious the feeling of labor saving will be! Although we are not rushing to break the record, let every step run easily and pose more correctly.

It’s best to touch the ground with your full palm.

👆 Correct running posture is also strength training.

We are neutral to the viewpoint of the article, only share the purpose of reference and communication among runners..

This relationship is very obvious.

This speed itself is very fast.

This man is the latest human marathon world record holder, Kenyan contestant Kip joeg.

It can be achieved by rope skipping, soeasy! When running tonight, try to pay special attention to your touchdown time.

What is “touchdown time”? During running, when one foot touches the ground – completely off the ground, the time spent in the process is the touchdown time.

Kipchaug’s touchdown time is about 160 milliseconds – that is, his touchdown time is about 50 milliseconds faster than a blink of an eye! Longgu University in Japan also conducted an experiment.

How can I run fast and easily? For runners, while achieving a short touchdown time, you can control the vertical amplitude as much as possible, avoid moving left and right / up and down, and make your body move forward as much as possible when taking off.

The shorter the touchdown time, the longer the take-off time, and more time can be spent on “moving”.

Why is it not fast and hard?” Running like this means that you don’t always move forward, but upward in the empty time! It is a completely wrong idea to create a longer take-off time by pushing and pedaling the ground.

Many people are misled by this concept.

Generally speaking, the full score of 1000 meters is 3 minutes and 27 seconds; But Xiaobian knows that a man can run in only 2 minutes and 53 seconds.

The most terrible thing is that he can maintain this speed and run a full marathon without any pause or rest—— By the way, there will be a small sprint in the last 200 meters.

It’s supposed to take a long time to vacate.

In this observation experiment, Japanese researchers found that the faster the runner, the shorter the touchdown time.

When you have strong lower limb strength, you can often better control your muscles to run in the correct posture.

After all, every runner’s pursuit ~ click on the official account and join the running circle: the official account of the content source Internet and WeChat public number.

Sports Science magazine once published an article, kipchaug, these East African elite athletes, why can they run so fast? There is a very important data in the survey results: their “touchdown time” is 10% lower than that of ordinary athletes.

By KingWay