It was a lot easier at once.

Even if there is a power failure, even in the dark, as long as there is a good book in hand, everything feels very beautiful.

The holidays came.

Books are really human’s best friends.

I was very dark and hesitated to go to the back playground for running.

Wang Zengqi’s “family sitting idle and amiable lights”, enjoyed the delicious food written by Mr.

Turn on my mobile phone music and start running! 35 minutes, jogging, sweating, feeling great! If you are afraid, if you don’t go out, there will be no such unexpected harvest! After running, I went back to the dark dormitory.

Article 188 original article 409 words reading time 2 minutes on January 9, 2022, Guangdong and Guangzhou were happy and beautiful every day.

Tan Liqing is a Chinese teacher who loves reading..

Just like many previous holidays, I arranged my own things: keep moving, keep reading and keep learning.

running beanie

I’m no longer afraid.

I’m in a good mood.

Half a minute later, I don’t hesitate: go out of the dormitory and continue to run on the playground! Campus, no matter how dark, is also very safe! When I came to the back playground in the dark, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was no power failure in the community outside the back playground.

At about 6:30 p.m., the whole school was dark.

I took out my tablet computer, opened the wechat reading app, continued to read Mr.

The running students left school.

Yesterday, because of the maintenance of Zhucun line, the school had a power failure.

Wang and felt the plain happiness.

The lights in the windows of the community gave the back playground a bright and dark feeling! Wow, I don’t have to run in the dark! In ancient times, there was stealing light from the wall, but now there is running.

By KingWay