Recently, a circle of friends came for help.

When swimming, the body is basically parallel to the water surface, and the knee joint basically does not bear weight, so it is best for the knee joint.


These injuries were most traumatic in 1.

Consult a doctor and formulate a suitable recovery exercise plan in combination with your own situation and condition.

Tip: if you have a knee injury, go upstairs with a good leg first, and go downstairs with a bad leg first.

Note: don’t exercise easily when your knee hurts.


Suggestion: try to control the time of squatting to the toilet within 3 minutes.

In case of knee injury and pain, see a doctor in time and standardize treatment.

Control weight.

Suddenly walking for a long time is easy to cause instability of knee position.

An international authoritative study has pointed out that the incidence rate of arthritis among runners is 3.5%.



If you do strenuous exercise, the warm-up time should not be less than 10 minutes.


Therefore, proper exercise can prolong the life of the knee.

Freestyle and backstroke are more recommended for knee protection.

Click the blue character Li xiaotuo below the title, pay attention to my advertisement, contact qq2281184104 source, the network copyright belongs to the original author, and now sports has become a “compulsory course” for many people every day Among many sports, running is deeply loved by many people.

Keep your joints warm, avoid getting cold and damp on your knees, and wear knee pads if necessary.

Suggestion: when walking vigorously, try to avoid taking big steps, don’t stretch your front legs too far, avoid tightening your legs or knees, and just walk naturally, comfortably and moderately.

Warm up before exercise, exercise and stretch appropriately.


Under the action of gravity, it will bear the sinking force, resulting in uneven stress on the inner and outer sides.

If you don’t warm up before running, it will have a great impact on the meniscus and even cause comminuted fracture of patella.

Frequent sitting and high-intensity running will cause joint problems.

Key points of rope skipping: ❶   Choose plastic floor or cement floor to lay plastic pad; ❷   When jumping, keep your feet close to avoid bending your knees sharply; ❸   The take-off height is 2cm-4cm to ensure that the jump rope just passes through the soles of the feet; ❹   Shake the rope with wrist force to keep the big arm close to the trunk.

But the premise is to master scientific methods and avoid unnecessary damage.

Source: CCTV life circle   Part of the source: life times, please transfer this article to everyone.

Incorrect running posture, too long exercise time, too high frequency and different individual physical quality are the factors causing knee injury.

Long term sedentary articular cartilage will gradually lose nutrition and “starve to death”.

Reducing weight can greatly reduce the burden on weight-bearing joints and reduce wear.

Therefore, proper running is conducive to joint health for ordinary people (non athletes) as a whole.

The incidence rate of arthritis is as high as 10.2%.

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When the squatting position is greater than 90 degrees, the compression of the medial knee joint will become larger, resulting in the wear of the inner side of the patella.

Suggestion: when sitting cross legged, bend one leg at a time, try to be natural and comfortable, and don’t force your feet down, so as to reduce the injury to your knees to a certain extent.

Squat for a long time.

When climbing the mountain or stairs, the knee will bear about 3 times its own weight.

If you ride too hard or take some wrong riding posture habits, it will also have certain health hazards to your knees.

compression socks running

Therefore, daily mountain climbing and building climbing are not recommended as daily exercise.

Avoid continuously exerting force on joints and minimize squatting.

For people who don’t have exercise habits and sit for a long time every day, their leg muscle strength is usually insufficient.

Sports shoes with elastic, slightly thick soles and wide or thick heels are best for joints.


Don’t care too much about the distance; ❷   Lean forward slightly, swing your arms naturally, and touch the ground with the soles of your front feet; ❸   Keep “breathing and heartbeat slightly faster, but can talk normally”; ❹ plastic ground and asphalt road are selected for the site, and cement ground is not recommended.

Is that true? Does running really hurt your knee? Improper running posture or excessive load are most likely to damage the knee joint.


Action points: ❶   Adjust the seat height to: when the foot pedal is at the lowest position, the knee joint bends slightly by about 170 °; ❷   Keep your chest up and keep your knees and toes facing forward during cycling; ❸   Keep riding at a constant speed and don’t suddenly increase your speed; ❹   Use the front 1 / 3 of the sole of your foot to step on the pedal.


The posture of riding a bicycle is wrong.

The most widely circulated statement is that running will damage the knee.


When sitting and standing for a long time, you should often change your posture to prevent strain caused by fixing your knee in one posture.

The knee joint should be saved and protected to prolong its service life: 1.

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When osteoporosis, joints are prone to disease.

If the incorrect running method exceeds the load of the knee joint, it will easily cause “running knee”, which is a chronic strain.

Shoes should be suitable.

The most healthy exercise program for joints is: 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical exercise every day, no less than 5 days a week.

Action points: ❶   Warm up for 5-10 minutes before jogging.

four   Calcium supplement, especially for women over the age of 40.

People who don’t have exercise habits at ordinary times and suddenly walk violently.

6 things to prolong the service life of the knee.

The cement ground downstairs of the general community can not provide an effective buffer against the impact of rope skipping landing, and it is easy to hurt the knee for a long time.

If your knees don’t feel well during climbing, don’t insist.

The elderly, overweight people and people with knee injury had better climb less.

Over time, the knee joint is also prone to deformation.

of the knee.

No matter ordinary people or athletes, they may encounter the problem of knee injury in sports, but “running knee” only exists in the overuse of knee, which is related to personal sports and physical fitness.

When going down the mountain (stairs), the knee will not only bear the impact of the ground, but also increase the wear of the knee.

The risk of rope skipping to knee joint is mainly related to the field.

If work requires squatting frequently, it is best to change to a low sitting position, such as sitting on a small bench.

Cross legged sitting when cross legged sitting, the knee joint is in a flexion state.

Choose a suitable pair of shoes for walking or other sports.

They said that there are all kinds of online statements about running.

The prevalence rate of leisure running is the lowest.

Unscientific exercise is an important cause of knee injury.

Patients with knee arthritis caused by overweight account for a large proportion of the sick population.

Pure running lasts 30-60 minutes a day.

Therefore, incorrect running methods or excessive use of the knee will lead to knee injury, but you can’t stop exercising at all.

By KingWay