It’s going to be late winter.

A thin hat or scarf that can wrap your ears is a good choice.

Carry out alternately with your legs.

To make sweat evaporate or transmit through clothes quickly, it is generally to wear lightweight polyester or silk close fitting clothes.

At this time, the big legs are bent to straighten, and you can feel the pulling feeling on the back of the thighs.

Because I didn’t run for 3 days, my cardiopulmonary function began to decline; If you don’t run for 3 weeks, the muscle efficiency will also be significantly weakened; If they don’t run for three months, I’m afraid the spring will start from 0, so they don’t dare to slack off.

[second action: training for ankle flexibility] auxiliary equipment: a towel.

Don’t hold your breath and keep your body stable during the movement.

Therefore, today we can still see a large number of runners running in the snow.

Layered warmth is the best way to keep warm.

Don’t speed up in advance and can’t keep up with it, so your body is still cold after exercise.

Don’t think about breaking your speed in winter Record: because the weather is too cold and the physical function is at a relatively low level, it is recommended to extend the distance appropriately and run slower and farther, which is better.

Therefore, when carrying out physical exercise after the beginning of winter, we should follow the corresponding health preservation guidelines, so that we can not only achieve the purpose of cold prevention, warmth preservation and physical fitness, but also not damage our health due to improper exercise.

[the third movement: the training of stretching the inner side of thighs] keep your legs apart to ensure the position wider than your shoulders, keep your chest straight, close your abdomen, raise your head, put your hands in front of your chest, tilt your body’s center of gravity to one side, and stretch it to the inner side of your thighs to feel pulling.

When the temperature is very low, it is recommended to wear long clothes and trousers, and knee pads, elbow pads and other thermal appliances as appropriate.

The first layer is perspiration.

The most important thing to pay attention to is to keep warm, keep warm, and keep warm again.

If the temperature is lower than – 5 ℃, the ear is the key protection object.

Don’t wear cotton clothes, because it will absorb and preserve the moisture on the skin.

[the Fourth Movement: stretching the back of thighs] this training is a process of gradually straightening the legs from the squatting position.

We must make sure that we are warm after running.

Close fitting clothes and trousers are best sports.

Pay attention to breathing and prevent bifurcation.

The position of the arm is about the height of the chest, and the hips and knees should be kept at 90 degrees.

Action Essentials: keep doing 10-20 times during warm-up.

We should pay attention to the rational distribution of speed.

The third layer of protection.

Pay attention to that your knees and toes are facing the outside without deviation.

The body must remain stable and breathe rhythmically.

The leg is the most cold resistant part of the whole body, which can be used as the basis to thicken the warmth preservation of other parts.

For junior runners, snow is a perfect reason not to run; But for runners who have integrated running into their life, there must be footprints in the first snow.

First, there should be an overall linkage buffering process from toe, ankle, knee to hip joint.

When doing the action, the body’s center of gravity is straight forward, and the knees stretch forward slightly outward.

If the flexibility of runners is not good If it’s good, you can also gradually raise the heel to keep the traction feeling stronger.

Once you start sweating, a small humid environment will be formed on your body, which will absorb the heat from your body.

It is generally a windbreaker made of polyester.

compression socks running

As the saying goes, “if you move in winter, you will get less disease; if you are lazy in winter, you will drink more medicine.” However, it is worth noting that due to the decrease of temperature, people’s metabolism will slow down after the beginning of winter.

Should I run in winter? Adhering to physical exercise in winter can not only keep people’s brain excited, enhance the temperature regulation function of the central nervous system, but also improve people’s cold resistance.

The following is the indoor warm-up action.

After winter, when the temperature is low, the air pressure is high and the weather is dry, the elasticity and extensibility of human muscles, tendons and ligaments will be reduced, and the viscosity of muscles will be increased accordingly, resulting in rigidity and inflexibility of the body, and the stretch will be greatly reduced.

There are two reasons for bifurcation in winter: ① cold air ② too fast acceleration..

It is usually made of polyester or special polyester, which is used to warm up when the weather is cold.

People in the running group are also talking about whether they should run on snowy days.

Ensure the knees And ankles.

Therefore, exercise should not be too intense in this season to prevent the opposite.

And for running masters, it’s not a matter to practice three or nine times in winter and three or five times in summer, because if you want to be an expert better than ordinary people, you must pay more efforts than ordinary people.

It’s snowing, but you have to take the warm-up seriously.

Windproof, rainproof, snow proof, cross-country running and scratch proof.

Lift the knee: hold the knee with both hands and move closer to the chest.

The rear feet ensure that the heels are raised, and the toes touch the ground, so as to ensure a pause of 5-10 seconds.

In the squatting position, pay attention to keep the knees no more than the toes, maintain the stability of the body, stand slowly and always keep the hands not away from the toes.

Open the circle of friends and fill the screen with snow.

So remember to warm up before running! Because the temperature is too low, the warm-up can be carried out indoors to reduce the time outdoors.

Kneel on one knee on the towel, keep the knees and wide joints straight, and the toes and knees rush forward.

Collect and practice it quickly! [the first action: hold the knee / lift the knee] hold the knee: move the knee closer to the arm.

In addition: hands, head, face and ears are the most prone parts to frostbite.

To protect from the cold wind, you should wear hats and gloves.

The second layer is warm.

It’s easy to catch a cold, and the gain is not worth the loss.

[Fifth action: jump buffer dynamic training] don’t jump too high, as long as the body’s center of gravity is off the ground.

Downward buffering is the most critical process.

It can also increase the difficulty of the movement, in the pulled thighs At the same time, stretch the outside of the contralateral abdomen and back.

In the whole process, the body’s center of gravity should not fluctuate greatly, and the landing should be slow and stable.

Pay attention to the rhythm of action and the height of the knee, and do it step by step, from slow to fast, from low to high, and finally increase Knee lift.

By KingWay