If you have any questions during the learning process, please leave a message on the background; If you have any problems during running, please tell us that we will select more knowledge points to popularize science according to your feedback.

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While enjoying modernization, it also enjoys health.

The winter cold proof suit with the original price of 258 yuan (1 cold proof FLEECE HAT + 1 pair of plush warm sports gloves) is now purchased for 170 yuan, only 88 yuan! Long press the identification picture, you can buy it with one click-.

It is precisely because of the endurance of long-distance running that early humans survived from the hunting age and evolved all the way up to now.

  Dullele is not as good as zhonglele.

Participating in running charity can also help others realize their self-worth.

Xinhua, CCTV, CCTV video, new sports, Sports Weekly, Tencent sports, sina sports, Sina running, PP sports, China sports zhibo.tv and other platforms jointly push.

  Get happiness and enjoy your body and mind! Humans may be the only animals that play and enjoy themselves when they grow up.

  Run and feel the positive force of long-term persistence! “Standard” is only an auxiliary tool, and scientific fitness and health is the purpose.

  Human beings are born to run! Running is a human instinct.

The group newspaper opens the second kill activity.

  Move and stay healthy! The lack of physical activity will lead to a variety of diseases, and the exercise represented by running can help humans return to the correct direction of evolution.

Official account of the second season of the running science video series includes runing safety knowledge, injury coping measures and specific concerns for different groups of youth, elderly groups, women, office sedentary groups, etc., APP The duration of each issue ranges from 60 seconds to 90 seconds, and it is regularly launched every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

(China China Track China official track and field, China Marathon platform, for more “dry cargo”).

Click the blue word and pay attention to us – the article comes from China Track and Field Association – unknowingly to the last episode of the second season, Tian Tian tells you the significance of adhering to running.

China will take China China Track and Field Association official website, China Track and Field Association official website, China Track and Field Association micro signal, China Marathon platform micro signal, China National Track and field team micro-blog, WeChat, headline, and shake voice account, and Xinhua, people’s daily, CCTV sports clients, all of the contents will be passed by all kinds of official platforms of China Athletic Association, such as China Track and field APP, China Athletic Association official website, China Track and field micro signal, China Marathon platform.

Good things in warm winter are new.

running sling bag

Runners can also meet their social needs by participating in the competition or joining the running group.

For more information, please continue to pay attention to the running class of China Track and Field Association.

As the main part of games, sports is an important way for human beings to obtain happiness.

By KingWay