Wait until the body gradually adapts to the exercise intensity, and then pursue a single run of 30 minutes or even more than 45 minutes, so as to achieve the best effect of weight loss.

Exercise should follow the law of step by step.

For example, they can run for 6 minutes, walk for 3 minutes, and do 2-3 groups every day.

For dieters, if you’re just getting ready to run, you don’t have to stare at the number of 30 minutes.

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The source of this statement is that the fat energy supply will reach a relatively high level after 30 minutes of running, but Xiaobian believes that this problem should be seen according to your purpose of running and exercise.

In terms of efficiency, if you can keep running for 30 minutes, the efficiency of fat metabolism is higher.

But it’s difficult for people who just start running to run for 30 minutes.

I can’t run at all!? Indeed, 30 minutes is a popular saying.

Even if you walk five minutes more today than yesterday, it’s something worth encouraging.

Did I run in vain? 30 minutes is so long.

Are you trying to lose weight? Or just exercise and get rid of sub-health? Or there are more or less demands for results in the sport of running.

If you put too much at once, but the body hasn’t adapted, it’s easy to get injured.

Xiaobian suggests that middle-aged people can combine walking and running for the first time.

Secondly, it doesn’t mean that if you run for 10 minutes today, there will be no effect on weight loss, but the proportion of energy supply involved in fat mobilization is less.

Question: many people say that running takes more than 30 minutes to achieve better results, isn’t it? I usually only run for more than 10 minutes.

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For people who lose weight, they all hope to have an efficient way to lose weight, so there will be the most effective theory of running for 30 minutes to lose weight to guide weight loss.

Many literatures believe that jogging should last more than 30 minutes at a time.

In this way, they can persist for 1 week, and then slowly reduce their walking time.

First of all, it’s better to move than not to move.

By KingWay