As a very assertive child since childhood, dajijie always keeps in mind the teaching of his parents that “he has to make his own decisions in the end” and plans his career step by step.

He carried out high-load training three or four days a week.

Superhuman talent and continuous unremitting efforts made Da PuJie proud in his school days.

Little Daji Jie secretly volunteered in his heart: “my life is to be the first fun”.

On the contrary, the coach persuaded him to “don’t practice too hard” for the sake of health.

He found his talent for running in base running.

Every second of Marathon speed improvement, runners have to pay a hundred times of physical and mental effort.

Daji Jie, known as the “ceiling” of the Yellow marathon, compares long-distance running to “the holy land of life”.

Under the aura of “trump card”, he will gain a good life by relying on bonus and staff salary.

In 2007, he entered the famous long-distance running school Zuo jiuchangsheng university to study.

No matter how you exercise, there is probably a limit to the fastest speed you can achieve.

In the new year’s Hakone post, he got the first interval reward, and Waseda won the championship again.

Dajijie · standard playground 400m runway, 42.195km, 105 laps and a half· From Shanghai Pudong International Airport, 42.195 kilometers, almost just to the south of Shanghai· After the connection between Beijing Metro Line 1 and Batong line, it is about 42.195 kilometers across Beijing.

In the third grade of junior middle school, he set a record of 3000 meters for junior middle school students in Tokyo in the national middle school long-distance race.

Participating in the Oregon program is not an impulsive move, but an important choice after careful consideration..

In the marathon, he found the possibility of fighting the world and realized a set of great running philosophy.

In addition to his hard work, Da forced Jie to admit defeat, which had been branded as early as middle school.

This is dajijie’s running creed and the spiritual force that supports him to make breakthroughs in performance.

Leaving Oregon: the transformation road of atypical Japanese marathon runners, according to Japan’s complete “post passing” training system, Da forced Jie to join an industrial group at random and continue to carry out routine post passing competitions in China.

When he first entered junior high school, his alma mater Machida municipal Jinjing middle school had no track and field department.

How far is 42.195 km? Many people may not have the concept.

No matter how difficult it is, you can do it as long as you want to control it.

Equivalent to the average speed of private cars in Beijing during morning rush hours! When running a marathon, physical fitness only accounts for about 60%, and the remaining 40% tests people’s spiritual strength.

The body has a limit.

In 2018, dajijie was training, gave up his career running group and ran away.

Junyi’s running posture was first trained from the base running of the baseball game.

After the completion of the track and field Department of his alma mater in grade 2 of junior middle school, he once carried out difficult exercises in the track and field Department of the school, failed to fall behind the training of the eighth Prince fourth middle school, and also participated in the team training of the club.

However, dajijie, who won the third place in the country, was very upset.

However, Daji Jie, who became famous when he was young, was not complacent about the title of “trump card” in Japanese long-distance running.

running rucksack

The birth of the “King”: in the 19 years from base running to marathon, many people may not have the concept of who is Daji Jie and how fast he runs.

At the height of his career in March 2015, he resolutely gave up the stable work within the system of Riqing industry, went back and forth between Japan and the United States, joined the Nike Oregon program in the United States, and launched a sprint to the world’s top marathon athletes.

Taking dajijie’s fastest marathon performance of 2 hours, 5 minutes and 29 seconds as an example, dajijie’s average pace in this race is 20km / h.

When he was in primary school, he was already participating in the local marathon every year and officially put into track and field training after entering middle school.

Some factors are beyond your control.

He represented the school in the national university post relay for two consecutive years, achieved very good results and caused a sensation in the whole school.

After he was promoted to Waseda University, Da Jijie performed in Hakone post of all Japanese universities, with more than 7 people in his personal range, helping Waseda University reverse its disadvantages and win the championship.

In order to improve the speed, dajijie never cares about the hard training.

Sometimes he couldn’t get home until 10 p.m.

He would feel unwilling or even painful after he bowed to others.

Da PuJie, born in 1991, was a baseball player in primary school.

For this reason, the young Da forced Jie to cry secretly more than once.

The Japanese marathon “King” who has gained a lot of fans both inside and outside the track and field circle with his handsome appearance, proud results and elegant running posture.

As a rising star, after graduating from University, the honorary Daiji Jie has become a name that can not be ignored in the field of track and field in Japan.

Other students want to avoid training if they have a little injury and pain.

42.195km is not just a string of numbers, it is the distance of a marathon.

In the 2018 Chicago Marathon, dajijie won the third place and broke the Japanese national marathon record.

It takes exactly one and a half hours from Bajiao Amusement Park in Shijingshan District to Huazhuang in Tongzhou District· The mileage of a battery car round the lake in Hangzhou West Lake scenic spot is 13.5km, 42.195km, which is about equivalent to three rounds around the West Lake, plus half of the SUDI.

He hated the feeling that he was not the first one.

He always kept in mind the powerlessness of Japanese runners who were at a racial disadvantage in international competitions to the world famous players such as “God of Marathon” kipugg.

Dajijie, who sponsored personal training through foreign capital, became the initial breaker of Japan’s invariable track and field education system.

Eager to practice, he had to restrain his desire.

But the spirit is different.

Dajijie often takes the initiative to ask the coach to improve the training intensity.

Da forced Jie to train at the club one hour away from home.

It is also a lonely journey for a runner to challenge the limits of body and psychology.

By KingWay